Meet our members for a long-term monitoring project of Lake Kasumigaura.
Ryuhei UENO (Senior Researcher)
- Section:
- Biodiversity Resource Conservation Office, Biodiversity Division
- Speciality:
- Limnology, Animal taxonomy
- Subject:
- benthic macroinvertebrates
- Email:
- uenor
- Research task of the project:
- Collection with an Ekman-Birge grab, identification and biomass-monitoring of benthic macroinvertebrates
Shin-Ichiro MATSUZAKI (Senior Researcher)
- Section:
- Biodiversity Resource Conservation Office, Biodiversity Division
- Speciality:
- Fish ecology, Limnology, Conservation ecology
- Subject:
- Fish
- Email:
- matsuzakiss
- Research task of the project:
- Analyzing the impacts of human activities on long-term trends in communities and ecosystem services
- Food web analysis based on stable isotopes
- Promoting long-term monitoring research through JaLTER activities
Megumi NAKAGAWA (Specialist)
- Section:
- Biodiversity Resource Conservation Office, Biodiversity Division
- Speciality:
- Limnology, Plankton ecology
- Subject:
- Phytoplankton
- Primary production
- Zooplankton
- Bacteria
- Protozoa
- Research task of the project:
- Phytoplankton identification and counting
- Development of monitoring methods
Megumi YOSHIBA (Specialist)
- Section:
- Biodiversity Resource Conservation Office, Biodiversity Division
- Speciality:
- Limnology
- Subject:
- Bacteria
- Pico-phytoplankton
- Benthos
- Protozoa
- Research task of the project:
- Sample treatment and counting
Kumiko TOTSU (Specialist)
- Section:
- Biodiversity Division
- Speciality:
- Database, Conservation ecology
- Subject:
- Web development
- Database management
- Email:
- Research task of the project:
- Website development
- Database management
- Data submission to JaLTER and GBIF
* The members as of the 1st of October 2023 are shown above. Please add for email addresses.