

2025-02-14Data Update

The Global Biomass Burning Emissions Inventory (GBEI) is updated with the latest data up to 2023.

2025-01-09Data Release

The Nitrogen Inventory based on Municipal Population for Sewage into Sanitation Facilities (NIMPO-SISF) in Japan is released.


2024-10-25Data Release

The ground-based observation data of ozone, carbon monoxide, and peroxyacyl nitrates at Rishiri Island, Japan are released.

2024-09-20Data Release

The CO2 flux measurement data above the Kiryu Experimental Watershed are released.

2024-09-06Data Update

The atmospheric CH4 mixing ratio data observed at the Hateruma and Ochiishi stations are updated with the latest data up to March 2024.

2024-07-30Data Update

The year 2023 version of “ODIAC fossil fuel CO2 emission dataset” (ODIAC2023) is released.

2024-06-25Data Release

Trace gas mole fraction data from air samples collected in the stratosphere over Japan are released.

2024-05-31Data Release

The column-averaged methane data based on ship and aircraft observations over the Western Pacific Ocean are released.

2024-05-02Data Release

The shipborne observation data of black carbon, ozone, methane, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide in the Arctic atmosphere are released.

2024-02-16Data Release

The atmospheric CH4 and N2O data from Novosibirsk are released as part of the aircraft sampling data in Siberia.

2024-01-30Data Update

The bias-corrected climate scenario data based on CMIP6 (NIES2020) were released with additional surface pressure and total cloud cover data.

2024-01-16Data Release

The atmospheric CH4 and N2O data from Surgut are released as part of the aircraft sampling data in Siberia.


2023-12-19Data Update
2023-05-30Data Update

The latest version (ODIAC2022) of the following dataset is released.

2023-04-18Data Update
2023-02-17Data Release
2023-01-24Data Release


2022-12-27Data Update
2022-12-09Data Update
2022-07-19Site Update

Website is renewed.

  • This site is renewed to be more user friendly by improving the overall site design and menu, as well as adding explanations to the Analysis Tools.
    In addition, a search function of the Dataset List and the Analysis Tools are improved, and new parameters are added to the Real-Time Data.
2022-07-12Data Update
2022-07-12Data Update

The latest version (ver.2022.1) of the following dataset is released.

2022-04-15Data Update

The latest version (ver.2021-1.1) of the following dataset is released.

2022-03-01Data Release

Datasets are released.


2021-12-24Data Update
2021-10-01Site Update

The footprint analysis at Hateruma station is extended to August 2020.

2021-06-14Data Update

The latest version (ODIAC2020b) of the following dataset is released.

2021-05-14Data Update


2020-12-14Data Update

The latest version (ODIAC2020) of the following dataset is released.


2019-12-13Data Update

The latest version (ODIAC2019) of the following dataset is released.

2019-10-04Data Update
2019-05-09Data Update

Recent data of "Monitoring of Greenhouse Gases by Tower over Siberia" are released from the Dataset List.

2019-03-05Data Update

The latest version (ver.2019.1.0) of the following dataset is released.


2018-12-13Data Update

The latest version (ODIAC2018) of the following dataset is released.

2018-02-22Site Release

A new website "Asia-Pacific Monitoring Sites" is open.


2017-04-14Data Release
2017-01-18Site Update

The website "Information on Vitamin D Synthesis / Erythemal UV" is updated.
5 monitoring stations are added, i.e., Sapporo (Hokkaido), Yokohama (Kanagawa), Nagoya (Aichi), Ootsu (Shiga), and Miyazaki (Miyazaki).


2016-09-01Data Release

DOIs* are minted for the following datasets in the Dataset List.

(*) DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
A digital object identifier DOI is used to permanently identify an object such as an electronic document. The DOI provides more stable linking than a URL, because if the document's URL changes, the DOI metadata is updated to link to the new URL.
NIES is able to mint DOIs via JaLC of which we became a member since 2016.


2015-12-15Site Release

A new website "LUIS (Land Use Information System) Web" is open. It displays the historical changes in land use in Japan between 1850-1985 (in Japanese).

2015-11-10Site Update

The GED user registration system is updated with new functions (resetting of password, updating of user information, and unregistering).

2015-09-04Site Update
2015-08-19Site Release

A new website "ODIAC Fossil Fuel Emission Dataset" is open.


2014-11-27Site Release

A new website "Information on Vitamin D Synthesis / Erythemal UV" is open. It provides real time data at five Japanese sites.

2014-05-19Site Update

A new database "GED" (Global Environmental Database) is released. The portal site of databases, GED and "GGTU" (Greenhouse Gases Trend Update), is integrated for user's convinience.


2013-04-01Site Update

The portal site for global environmental databases is repaired. New features, such as data search, are added.