The Global Biomass Burning Emissions Inventory (GBEI) is updated with the latest data up to 2023.
The Global Biomass Burning Emissions Inventory (GBEI) is updated with the latest data up to 2023.
The Nitrogen Inventory based on Municipal Population for Sewage into Sanitation Facilities (NIMPO-SISF) in Japan is released.
The ground-based observation data of ozone, carbon monoxide, and peroxyacyl nitrates at Rishiri Island, Japan are released.
The ground-based observation data of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) at Fukue Island, Rudong, and Mt. Tai are updated with the additional compounds.
The CO2 flux measurement data above the Kiryu Experimental Watershed are released.
The atmospheric CH4 mixing ratio data observed at the Hateruma and Ochiishi stations are updated with the latest data up to March 2024.
The latest version of the NIES-ML3 product of surface ocean CO2 data is released.
The latest version of atmospheric trace gas data from the CONTRAIL is released.
The year 2023 version of “ODIAC fossil fuel CO2 emission dataset” (ODIAC2023) is released.
Ground-based observation data of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) at Fukue Island, Rudong, and Mt. Tai are released.
The Monsoon Asia Rice Calendar (MARC) is released.
Trace gas mole fraction data from air samples collected in the stratosphere over Japan are released.
The column-averaged methane data based on ship and aircraft observations over the Western Pacific Ocean are released.
The shipborne observation data of black carbon, ozone, methane, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide in the Arctic atmosphere are released.
The atmospheric CH4 and N2O data from Novosibirsk are released as part of the aircraft sampling data in Siberia.
The bias-corrected climate scenario data based on CMIP6 (NIES2020) were released with additional surface pressure and total cloud cover data.
The atmospheric CH4 and N2O data from Surgut are released as part of the aircraft sampling data in Siberia.
The latest version (Ver.2023.1) of the following dataset is released.
A dataset is released.
The additional Data of the following dataset are released.
A dataset is released.
The additional Data of the following dataset are released.
The latest version (ver.2023.0) of the following dataset is released.
A dataset is released.
The additional Data of the following dataset are released.
The latest version (ODIAC2022) of the following dataset is released.
The additional Data of the following dataset are released.
A dataset is released.
The latest version (Ver.1.4 / Ver.1.3) of the following datasets are released.
A dataset is released.
The latest version (Ver.2022.1) of the following dataset is released.
The latest version (Ver.2.0) of the following dataset is released.
A dataset is released.
Website is renewed.
The latest version (Ver.1.1) of the following dataset is released.
The latest version (ver.2022.1) of the following dataset is released.
The latest version (ver.2022.1.0) of the following datasets are released.
The latest version (ver.2022.2) of the following dataset is released.
The latest version (ver.2022.1) of the following dataset is released.
The latest version (ver.2021-1.1) of the following dataset is released.
Datasets are released.
The latest version (ver.2021.1) of the following dataset is released.
The following datasets are released, with data up to September 2021.
The footprint analysis at Hateruma station is extended to August 2020.
A dataset is released.
A dataset is released.
The latest version (ver.2021.1.0) of the following datasets is released.
The latest version (ODIAC2020b) of the following dataset is released.
A dataset is released.
The latest version (Ver.202005) of the following dataset is released.
Datasets are released.
A dataset is released.
The latest version (ODIAC2020) of the following dataset is released.
The following datasets are released, with data up to April 2020.
The latest version (ver.2020.1.0) of the datasets is released.
The latest version (ODIAC2019) of the following dataset is released.
The latest version (Ver.1.1) of the following dataset is released.
Datasets are released.
Recent data of "Monitoring of Greenhouse Gases by Tower over Siberia" are released from the Dataset List.
The latest version (ver.2019.1.0) of the following dataset is released.
The latest version (ODIAC2018) of the following dataset is released.
Datasets are released.
A new website "Asia-Pacific Monitoring Sites" is open.
A dataset is released.
DOI is minted for the following dataset on the website "ODIAC Fossil Fuel Emission Dataset".
The website "Information on Vitamin D Synthesis / Erythemal UV" is updated.
5 monitoring stations are added, i.e., Sapporo (Hokkaido), Yokohama (Kanagawa), Nagoya (Aichi), Ootsu (Shiga), and Miyazaki (Miyazaki).
DOIs* are minted for the following datasets in the Dataset List.
(*) DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
A digital object identifier DOI is used to permanently identify an object such as an electronic document. The DOI provides more stable linking than a URL, because if the document's URL changes, the DOI metadata is updated to link to the new URL.
NIES is able to mint DOIs via JaLC of which we became a member since 2016.
A new website "LUIS (Land Use Information System) Web" is open. It displays the historical changes in land use in Japan between 1850-1985 (in Japanese).
The GED user registration system is updated with new functions (resetting of password, updating of user information, and unregistering).
The website "Monitoring of Global Warming Effects (Alpine Zone-Central Japan, Hokkaido)" is renewed (in Japanese).
A new website "ODIAC Fossil Fuel Emission Dataset" is open.
A new website "Information on Vitamin D Synthesis / Erythemal UV" is open. It provides real time data at five Japanese sites.
A new database "GED" (Global Environmental Database) is released. The portal site of databases, GED and "GGTU" (Greenhouse Gases Trend Update), is integrated for user's convinience.
The portal site for global environmental databases is repaired. New features, such as data search, are added.