Information on Vitamin D Synthesis / Erythemal UV

  • ochiishi
  • rikubetsu
  • sapporo
  • aomori
  • sendai
  • tsukuba
  • yokohama
  • nagoya
  • ootsu
  • osaka
  • miyazaki
  • hateruma


The National Institute for Environmental Studies has a network of UV monitoring stations consisting of 5 own stations and other cooperating institutes in Japan, and monitors harmful ultraviolet radiation continuously. However, UV radiation has a merit for vitamin D synthesis in human skin. Our group has developed a system to estimate the UV radiation necessary for vitamin D synthesis, as well as the amount of vitamin D synthesized in the body, and started to provide these data on the website.

What's New

Provision of real time data at Miyazaki station has been suspended since June 21, 2024.
Provision of real time data of radiation and exposure time for Vitamin D Synthesis / Erythemal UV which was suspended due to technical reason has gradually restarted.
see more


Office for Global Environmental Database,
Center for Global Environmental Research,
National Institute for Environmental Studies

  • Address : 16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8506, Japan
  • Email : cgerdb_admin(at)
  • FAX : +81-29-858-2645