Asia-Pacific monitoring sites


Asia is one of the world’s largest producers of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and related materials and air pollutants. Long-term observations for these substances have been conducted not only in Japan but also in the Asia-Pacific region for over 20 years. There are many satellite observations of global GHG concentrations in recent years. In order to improve the accuracy of these observations, validations by ground-based measurements are needed. In the Asia-Pacific region, however, observation sites are still sparse. It is important to collect information and provide data on existing observation sites. For the effective use of data, it is also necessary to develop databases.

This website provides information on observations which have been conducted by NIES and other collaborators for GHGs and related parameters in the Asia-Pacific region. The main goals of this site are to promote the effective utilization of existing observational data, to help develop strategies for new observation networks, and to promote international joint research. This site will thus contribute to improving the accuracy of the inventories of GHGs and related parameters in the Asia-Pacific region.

  • Station map displays locations of observation sites for monitoring of atmosphere and ecosystem.
  • Station table shows basic information on each observation site, such as category, site name, responsible institution, location, and observation parameters.

History of update

22 Feb 2018
New page is opened.


Office for Global Environmental Data Integration and Analytics,
Center for Global Environmental Research,
National Institute for Environmental Studies

  • Address: 16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8506 Japan
  • Email: cgerdb_admin(atmark)