Recommended Softwear
- Browsing software: Firefox 3.0+,Internet Explorer 7.0+,Opera10, Safari 5, Google Chrome, Sleipnir ver.2
- Display Resolution:1024×768 pixel or greater
- Our web site uses CSS and Javascript. In order to view Google Earth on our web site, you need to have Java Script enabled in your browser.
- The Google Earth Plugin is currently supported on the following browsers:
- Windows(XP,Vista):Firefox 3.0+,Internet Explorer 7.0+,Google Chrome 5.0+,Flock 1.0+
- Mac OS X 10.5 and higher(Interl):Google Chrome 5.0, +Safari 3.1+,Firefox 3.0+.
Please use one of these browsers.
- The copyright of all information on this web site belongs to the National Institute for Environmental Studies and Nagoya University. Any distribution, reproduction, and forwarding of information on this web site is strictly prohibited.