Information on Vitamin D Synthesis / Erythemal UV


Exposure Time for Vitamin D Synthesis / MED (real time data)

Provision of real time data at Miyazaki station has been suspended.
Monitoring Station Miyazaki
Date //
Time : Average for 30 min
Exposure time for the synthesis of 10µg Vitamin D (600cm2)
Exposure time for the synthesis 10µg Vitamin D (1200cm2)
Exposure time for Erythemal UV; MED

Variation of the times for Vitamin D Synthesis / MED

  • Red Line : Time to reach MED (Minimal Erythema Dose). Repeated exposure over this value is harmful to your health.
  • Blue Line : Time required for the production of 10 µg vitamin D when an effective area of 600 cm2 is exposed (corresponding to the face and the back of both hands).
  • Green Line : Time required for the production of 10 µg vitamin D when an effective area of 1200 cm2 is exposed (additional parts of arms or legs).
  • The times can be reduced by increasing the area exposed to solar radiation by active sunbath.
  • Note : Since logarithmic scale is adopted, each interval means 10 min. In addition, the gray area shows the production of 10 µg vitamin D and MED with an exposure over 60 min.

Position of Miyazaki