ODIAC Fossil fuel emission dataset

Dataset archive (previous dataset)


Version nameODIAC2019
Release date2019/12/13 (Last updated: 2019/12/13)

cc_by CC BY 4.0

ParametersCO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion, cement production and gas flaring.
Temporal coverage 2000/01 - 2018/12
Emission estimates CDIAC (2019 release, 2000-2016) and its projection using the BP Statistical Review of World Energy (2017 and 2018).
Domain Global
Time resolution Monthly
Spatial resolution 1x1km, 1x1degree
File formatGeoTIFF (1x1km), netCDF (1x1degree)
Data volume24 GiB (GeoTIFF, 1x1km), 113 MiB (netCDF, 1x1degree)
README for 1x1km (GeoTIFF) / 1x1degree (NetCDF)
Download For access to outdated ODIAC data products, please contact us with a short research statement that includes scientific motivation and justification.
Contact GED email address : ged_contact_email

Weekly/diurnal emissions can be modeled by multiplying the TIMES temporal scaling factors developed by Dr. Ray Nassar at Environment Canada and colleagues, to monthly emission fields (Temporal Improvements for Modeling Emissions by Scaling, Nassar et al. 2013). The scaling factor is defined on a 0.25 x 0.25 degree. The data can be downloaded from the web site of Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
For the past ODIAC data products (after 2 years from the release), only metadata are provided excepting several significant versions (e.g. ones used in the milestone ODIAC papers).