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CC BY 4.0
(Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International)
Data citation
ODIAC2013a and later
Tomohiro Oda, Shamil Maksyutov (2015), ODIAC Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions Dataset (Version name*1 : ODIACYYYY or ODIACYYYYa), Center for Global Environmental Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies, doi:10.17595/20170411.001. (Reference date*2 : YYYY/MM/DD)
*1 The version name is indicated in the name of each data file.
*2 As the reference date, please indicate the date you downloaded the files.ODIAC v1.7
Tomohiro Oda, Shamil Maksyutov (2015), ODIAC Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions Dataset (ODIAC v1.7), Center for Global Environmental Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Downloaded from (Reference date*1 : YYYY/MM/DD)
*1 As the reference date, please indicate the date you downloaded the files.
Oda and Maksyutov (2011) – ODIAC grand paper / 1km ODIAC emission data
Oda, T. and Maksyutov, S.: A very high-resolution (1 km x 1 km) global fossil fuel CO2 emission inventory derived using a point source database and satellite observations of nighttime lights, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 543-556, doi:10.5194/acp-11-543-2011, 2011.
Oda et al. (2010) – ODIAC with improved nightlight data
Oda, T., Maksyutov, S. and Elvidge, C.: Disaggregation of national fossil fuel CO2 emissions using a global power plant database and DMSP nightlight data, Proc. of the 30th Asia-Pacific Advanced Network Meeting, 220-229, 2010. -
Oda et al. (2018) – Recent versions of 1km and 1-degree ODIAC emission data and modeling framework
Oda, T., Maksyutov, S., and Andres, R. J.: The Open-source Data Inventory for Anthropogenic CO2, version 2016 (ODIAC2016): a global monthly fossil fuel CO2 gridded emissions data product for tracer transport simulations and surface flux inversions, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, doi:10.5194/essd-10-87-2018, 2018.
Nassar et al. (2013) – Temporal scaling factor
Nassar, R., Napier-Linton, L., Gurney, K.R., Andres, R.J., Oda, T., Vogel, F.R. and Deng, F.: Improving the temporal and spatial distribution of CO2 emissions from global fossil fuel emission datasets, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 118, 917-933, doi:10.1029/2012JD018196, 2013.