Carbon Balance Monitoring in Forest Ecosystems

After the Kyoto Protocol - the international consensus toward combatting global warming - entered into force in 2005, detailed evaluation of forest ecosystems’ potential to absorb carbon dioxide has become an imperative. The Center for Global Environmental Research started Carbon Balance Monitoring in Terrestrial Ecosystems in 1999 under its Global Environmental Monitoring Project. The Office of Terrestrial Monitoring is striving to provide data of carbon balance over a wide area by integrating carbon balance data obtained from site-based forest ecosystem observations and aerial parameters obtained from remote sensing.
Carbon Balance Monitoring in Forest Ecosystems
The application of Remote Sensing for large area estimation
The application of Remote Sensing for large area estimation
(Fujihokuroku: June 2023, Tomakomai: March 2023, images have been updated /as of July 28, 2023)
Terrestrial Ecosystem Carbon Balance Data with 1km Grid Resolution
Terrestrial Ecosystem Carbon Balance Data with 1km Grid Resolution
(project ended:June 2020)
Observation sites
- Fujihokuroku
- Teshio
- Tomakomai(Before 2004/After 2004)