

Zooplankton abundance in the pelagic region of Lake Kasumigaura (Japan): Monthly data since 1980


Noriko Takamura*, Megumi Nakagawa* and Takayuki Hanazato**

*Center for Environmental Biology and Ecosystem Studies, National Institute for Environmental Studies
**Division of Science for Inland Water Environment, Institute of Mountain Science, Shinshu University, Suwa, Japan

*Corresponding author: Noriko Takamura
Center for Environmental Biology and Ecosystem Studies, National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES)
Telephone number: +81-298-50-2471
Fax number: +81-298-50-2577
Address: National Institute for Environmental Studies, Onogawa 16-2, Tsukuba 305-8506, Japan


Microscopic crustaceans (cladocerans and copepods) and rotifers are the principal zooplankton components of the pelagic food webs in lakes. They play important ecological roles, functioning as essential links between primary producers and planktivorous fish. Individuals zooplankton are important nodes of matter flow in pelagic ecosystems. The zooplankton community structure can provide useful indicators of top-down processes, such as the magnitude or strength of planktivorous predators and the extent of zooplankton grazing. Here we report the abundance of zooplankton taxa (crustaceans and rotifers) that were recorded monthly, from January 1980 to September 2015, at two stations on Lake Kasumigaura, a shallow eutrophic lake that is the second largest lake in Japan. The data include information on 12 copepod species (taxa), 20 cladoceran species (taxa), 40 rotifer species (taxa), and the opossum shrimp (Neomysis intermedia). In the 1980s, the plankton of the lake were characterized by cyanobacterial blooms and the co-dominance of Bosmina and Diaphanosoma in the summer. In addition, the two cladoceran genera, Daphnia galeata and Chydorus sphaericus were often prominent. The plankton profile changed dramatically in the middle (1997–2004) of the present long-term monitoring period, when cyanobacteria disappeared and diatoms became dominant even in the summer; concurrently, only the Diaphanosoma cladocerans were evident. However, in the past 10 years , cyanobacterial blooms, the co-dominance of Bosmina and Diaphanosoma, and D. galeata have re-emerged.

Zooplankton monitoring forms part of the Lake Kasumigaura Long-Term Environmental Monitoring Program, which has been conducted by the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) since 1977. Data on other planktonic components (phytoplankton and the elements of microbial food webs) noted during monitoring and on primary production were published in Takamura and Nakagawa (2012ab; 2016). Lake Kasumigaura is a core site of the Japan Long-term Ecological Research Network, a member of the International Long-term Ecological Research Network. Our quantitative dataset spanning several decades is unique in terms of the work on lakes and the plankton therein, and is freely available. The dataset has been used in ecological and environmental programs, as well as in studies on lake management.


  • Crustacea
  • Rotifera
  • Mysida
  • Pelagic ecosystem
  • Zooplankton
  • Long-term monitoring
  • Eutrophication
  • Lake Kasumigaura


Microscopic crustaceans (cladocerans and copepods) and rotifers are the principal zooplankton components of the pelagic food webs of lakes (Wetzel 1983). Crustaceans are the main food of planktivorous fish, and rotifers are essential food resources, particularly for certain fish juveniles and fry of fish. Most zooplankton species of the pelagic zone are grazers and filterers of seston particles including phytoplankton, protozoa, and bacteria. Therefore, zooplankton play an important ecological role, functioning as an essential link between primary producers and planktivorous fish or even piscivores. As such, individual zooplankton are important nodes of matter flow in the pelagic ecosystem.

Zooplankton community structures (species richness and species composition) are determined, or at least influenced, by broad-scale temporal and spatial factors and within-lake factors. The broad-scale factors include historical biogeographic events, such as glacial influences (Roff et al. 1981; Leibold et al. 2010; Viana et al. 2014), and climatic factors causing changes in the duration of ice cover (Gyllström et al. 2005; Catalan et al. 2009), solar radiation (Pinel-Alloul et al. 2013), and thermocline depth and mixing (Gauthier et al. 2014). A Pinatubo event may also be a climatic factor (Stemberger et al. 1996). Furthermore, the broad-scale factors also include the geomorphological structure of the landscape (Juračka et al. 2016), the water chemistry associated with landscape position (Dodson et al. 2009), lake morphology and size ( Catalan et al. 2009; Dodson et al. 2009 ), watershed productivity (Soininen and Luoto 2012), and events such as forest fires (Pinel-Alloul et al. 1998). Environmental variability in both space and time also significantly affect how species share, resources and successfully co-exist (Shurin et al. 2010).

The within-lake factors affecting zooplankton biomass and/or community structure in pelagic ecosystems have been well-studied in terms of the relationships between predators and their food. Fish predation and the presence of planktivores apparently reduce the body size, size at maturity, offspring size, and the feeding rates of certain large crustacean species (Brooks and Dodson 1965; Vanni 1987a; Gliwicz 1994). On the other hand, the size composition of the crustacean zooplankton community influences planktivorous fish production in waters in which the predator-prey ratio is well balanced (Mills and Schiavone 1982; McQueen et al. 1986). Zooplankton biomass and community structure are constrained by the quantity and quality (e.g., mineral balance, nutritional quality, and edibility) of phytoplankton or seston (Vanni 1987a; Vanni and Lampert 1992; Sterner and Hessen 1994). Conversely, zooplankton grazing behavior changes the species composition of phytoplankton (Vanii 1987b; Sterner 1989; Sarnelle 1992; 1993; Steiner 2003). Furthermore, consumer (fish or zooplankton)-mediated transport of nutrient recycling is also important in terms of phytoplankton growth in a pelagic ecosystem (Vanii 1996; Vanni and Layne 1997; Vanni et al. 1997). In particular, Daphnia is a key large herbivore, efficiently filtering a wide size range of waterborne seston particles (approx. 1–20 µm in diameter) (Geller and Müller 1981), thereby decreasing seston density and increasing water transparency. Therefore, Daphnia induces strong trophic cascades (Carpenter et al. 1985; Brett and Goldman 1996), but requires higher P levels in seston particles, constraining cascading trophic interactions. Thus, the zooplankton community structure reflects the structure of the pelagic food-web, and greatly influences the properties of pelagic ecosystems, including primary production and water quality.

Although chlorophyll a, total phosphorus and suspended solid levels are useful indicators of bottom-up processes such as lake nutrient loading or eutrophication, few indicators are available that allow assessments of top-down processes. The zooplankton community structure reflects the magnitude and/or strength of both planktivorous predators and zooplankton grazing. For example, the mean individual body weight of cladocerans, and the zooplankton:phytoplankton biomass ratio, well reflect the magnitude and strength of zooplankton predators and zooplankton grazing, respectively (Jeppersen et al. 2011). Furthermore, changes in cladoceran size and species profile are useful signals of a regime shift event (an abrupt change in lake water transparency) in work exploring whole-lake manipulation (Pace et al. 2013). Long-term monitoring of lake status has been performed in many Western and Eastern European countries (Jeppesen et al. 2011) and China (Xie & Yang 2000; Shao et al. 2001).

Monitoring of the zooplankton of Lake Kasumigaura by the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) commenced in 1976 (Yasuno et al. 1977; Morishita and Yasuno 1979; Yasuno and Morishita 1981). Zooplankton abundance, seasonal changes, and production in the pelagic area during 1984–1991 have been reported by Hanazato (Hanazato et al. 1984; Hanazato and Yasuno 1985ab; 1987abc; 1988; 1989, Hanazato 1991ab; Hanazato and Aizaki 1991; Hanazato et al. 1991). The zooplankton community of Lake Kasumigaura is composed of small-bodied species, with a greater proportion of rotifers and a smaller proportion of large-bodied cladocerans, typical of eutrophic waters (Gliwicz 2004). In the 1980s, Lake Kasumigaura experienced cyanobacterial blooms evidenced by the co-dominance of Bosmina and Diaphanosoma in summer (Hanazato and Yasuno 1987; Takamura et al. 1987). Apart from the two cladoceran genera, Daphnia galeata and Chydorus sphaericus were often present. The plankton composition changed dramatically in the middle (1997–2004) of the present long-term monitoring period (1980–2015); the cyanobacteria disappeared and diatoms became dominant, even in the summer (Takamura and Nakagawa 2012a); concurrently, the only cladoceran was Diaphanosoma. In the past 10 years, however, cyanobacterial blooms featuring co-dominance of Bosmina and Diaphanosoma, and D. galeata, have returned. Mysids(Neomysis intermedia) are common invertebrate predators and Leptodora kindtii sometimes occurs. The dominant copepods are the calanoid copepod, Eodiaptomus japonicas and the cyclopoid copepod, Cyclops visinus, which are usually abundant in warm and cold seasons, respectively. The dominant rotifers are Keratella cochlearis, Brachionus calyciflorus, Trichocerca spp. and Polyarthra spp. Rotifer numbers, measured using a 44-µm mesh, have peaked twice since May 1987; in 1992–96 and in 2011–15.

Monitoring has been a key component of the Lake Kasumigaura Long-term Environmental Monitoring Program run by the NIES since 1977. The program includes collection of data on water quality, plankton, the benthos, and primary production, and the dataset are included in the database of the program. Lake Kasumigaura is a core site of the Japan Long-term Ecological Research Network (JaLTER), a member of the International Long-term Ecological Research Network (ILTER). Three data papers on phytoplankton species abundance(1978–2012); the densities of the bacteria, picophytoplankton, heterotrophic nanoflagellates, and ciliates (1996–2015); photosynthesis and primary production (1981–2015) in Lake Kasumigaura have been published by Takamura and Nakagawa (2012ab and 2016, respectively). This study reports changes in the abundance of zooplankton species (taxa), which were monitored monthly from January 1980 to September 2015 at two stations on Lake Kasumigaura, a shallow lake that is the second largest in Japan. Lake Kasumigaura may be the only Japanese lake for which zooplankton abundance has been monitored monthly for 35 years. Thus, the dataset is unique in terms of lake and plankton monitoring and continues to be freely available. The information will aid in current and future ecological and environmental research studies.


1. Title

Zooplankton abundance in the pelagic region of Lake Kasumigaura (Japan): Monthly data since 1980

2. Identifier


3. Contributor

A. Dataset owners

The National Institute for Environmental Studies (Japan) and the following individuals provided the data for the database.

Owners and contact individual (*) Affiliation Contact
Address Phone Fax Email address
Noriko Takamura* National Institute for Environmental Studies Onogawa 16-2, Tsukuba 305-8506, Japan +81-298-50-2471 +81-298-50-2577
Megumi Nakagawa* +81-298-50-2415
Takayuki Hanazato**      

**a research member of National Institute for Environmental Studies from April 1980 to November 1995.

B. Dataset creators

Noriko Takamura, Center for Environmental Biology and Ecosystem Studies, National Institute for Environmental Studies

Megumi Nakagawa, Center for Environmental Biology and Ecosystem Studies, National Institute for Environmental Studies

Takayuki Hanazato, Division of Science for Inland Water Environment, Institute of Mountain Science, Shinshu University, Suwa, Japan

C. Principal investigators

Morihiro Aizaki, Senichi Ebise, Takehiko Fukushima, Toshio Iwakuma, Takayoshi Kawai, Noriko Takamura, Takayuki Hanazato, Yukihiro Nojiri, Masaaki Hosomi, Takanobu Inoue, Hideaki Ozawa, Akira Otsuki, Masayuki Yasuno, Akio Imai, Kazuho Inaba, Noriko Tomioka, Kazuhiro Iwasaki, Ayato Kohzu, Takayuki Satou, Kazuhiro Komatsu, Masami Koshikawa, Kazuo Matsushige, Ryuichiro Shinohara, Shin-ichiro Matsuzaki, Megumi Nakagawa, Ryuhei Ueno, Junko Yamamura and Tomiji Hagiwara performed the field survey.

4. Program

A. Title

Lake Kasumigaura Long-term Environmental Monitoring program

B. Personal

Organization: National Institute for Environmental Studies
Address: Onogawa 16-2, Tsukuba 305-8506, Japan
Phone: +81-298-50-2471 (Voice)
Phone: +81-298-50-2577 (fax)
Web Address:

C. Funding

National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan

D. Objectives

Since 1977, the NIES has conducted monthly monitoring of the water quality, plankton/benthos biomass and primary production of Lake Kasumigaura. Monitoring was initiated by a group of lake scientists working at the NIES with the intention of sharing fundamental limnological data. Monitoring has continued for more than three decades, in efforts to promote environmental and ecological studies; the work elucidates long-term changes in lake ecosystems and how lake environments may recover from adverse events.

5. Geographic coverage

A. Geographic description

Nishi-ura of Lake Kasumigaura, Japan

B. Geographical position

Station 3: 36°07.302′ N, 140°22.652′ E (WGS84)

Station 9: 36°02.142′ N, 140°24.222′ E (WGS84)

6. Temporal coverage

A. Commencement

January 1980

B. End

September 2015

7. Taxonomic coverage

The zooplankton data include those on 12 copepod species (taxa), 20 cladoceran species (taxa), 40 rotifer species (taxa), and the opossum shrimp (Neomysis intermedia).

8. Methods

A. Study sites

Lake Kasumigaura (Fig. 1) is located approximately 60 km northeast of the Tokyo metropolitan area. The lake is the second largest in Japan (surface area 220 km2, total volume of 0.85 billion m3), and is shallow (mean depth 4 m, maximum depth 7 m), with a catchment area of 2,157 km2. The lake is composed of three parts: Nishi-ura, Kita-ura, and Sotonasaka-ura. Nishi-ura, the largest part of the lake, has a surface area of 167.7 km2 and a total volume of 662 million m3; there are 29 inflows and 1 major outflow.

The Lake Kasumigaura Long-term Environmental Monitoring program selected 10 pelagic monitoring sites in Nishi-ura (Fig. 1), and measured particular environmental variables in situ (water temperature, water depth, water transparency, dissolved oxygen level, pH, and downward irradiance); water quality (levels of electrical conductivity (EC), chemical oxygen demand (COD), chlorophyll a (Chl.a), suspended solids (SS), particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate organic nitrogen (PON), total phosphorus (TP), dissolved total phosphorus (DTP), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), total nitrogen (TN), dissolved total nitrogen (DTN), ammonium-nitrogen (NH4-N), nitrate and nitrite-nitrogen (NO2-N+NO3-N), Al, B, Ba, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Si, Sr, and Cu); plankton (bacteria, HNFs, ciliates, picocyanobacteria, eukaryotic picoplankton, phytoplankton, rotifers, crustacean zooplankton, and mysids); the benthos (chironomids and oligochaetes); and primary production. Water quality, water depth and transparency were measured at every station. Plankton were measured at Station 3 and 9 (Fig. 1). The benthos, primary production and downward irradiance were monitored at Station 3, 7, 9 and 12 (Fig. 1), and other environmental variables (water temperature, dissolved oxygen level, and pH) were measured at Stations 1, 3, 7, 9 and 12 (Fig. 1). The annual means of water transparency and the concentrations of TP, TN, Chl.a, and SS at the two sites from 1978 and 2015 are shown in Figure 2.

Lake changes resulting from recent anthropogenic activities, and the associated environmental problems, were summarized by Takamura (2012). Details of the densities of phytoplankton species (monitored monthly or biweekly since 1978); those of bacteria, picophytoplankton, heterotrophic nanoflagellates, and ciliates (monitored monthly since 1996); and photosynthesis and primary production (measured monthly since 1981) have been reported by Takamura and Nakagawa (2012ab, 2016).

Fig.1. Sampling sites in Lake Kasumigaura (Nishi-ura).
Fig.2. Changes in the annul means of the a) water transparency, b) concentrations of TP, c) TN, d) Chl.a, and e) SS at Sta.3 and Sta.9.

B. Sampling, sample preservation and counting methods

Zooplankton were collected at two stations (3 and 9), with a slightly modified sampling procedure. From January 1980 to March 1981, water samples for zooplankton enumeration were collected using a Van Dorn sampler (6 L) at a depth of 0.5 m. Zooplankton were collected by filtering the sampled water through a NXX13 94 μm mesh net and fixed in 4% (v/v) formalin. In April 1981, use of a column sampler (an acrylic tube 45mm in diameter running from the surface to a depth of 2 m) commenced. Zooplankton were collected using the same mesh net, but the preservation solution was changed from 4% (v/v) formalin (4% (v/v) formalin with 40g sugar L-1) in May 1983. Furthermore, the mesh net was changed to an NXXX25 net (40-μm mesh) in May 1987. This change in mesh size affected the data gathered from April 1981 to April 1987 and from May 1987 to the present. Neither the sampling nor preservation procedures changed between May 1987 and the present. Zooplankton were counted in the laboratory using an inverted microscope (Nikon TMS, Nikon TS10 or Olympus CKX42) at a magnification of 40x or 100x.

Mysids (Neomysis intermedia), important components of the lake food web were collected from August 1984 to the present using a 40 cm-diameter NXX7 200 μm-mesh net. The bottom of the net was first positioned at 1.2 m above the lake bottom, which was not disturbed, and then pulled vertically to the surface. From February 1983 to July 1984, mysids using a 30-cm diameter NXX13 (94 μm) mesh net. The catching efficiency of this small net was only 20% that of the net used subsequently; therefore, mysids numbers in this period should be interpreted cautiously. Mysid sampling and counting were performed in duplicate. The 1980–1982 data for Station 3 were provided by Toda et al. (1983). From January 1990 to March 1996, we did not collect any Neomysis data. The crustacean Leptododa kindtii, was also counted in the samples used to enumerate mysids; this species is larger than the other crustacean zooplankton and found at low densities. The mysids and crustaceans were counted using a binocular microscope (Olympus B061 or Leica MZ16).

C. Taxonomy and systematics

The textbooks used for identification were Mizuno and Takahashi(1991, 2000) and Mizuno(1984) for the Copepoda; Du and Mizuno(1982) for the Cladocera; and Koste(1978) and Sudzuki(1999) for rotifers.

D. Data verification procedures

All of the data were manually digitized and checked for typographical errors. Any unreliable information was scored as an error (please see section 11.D).

9. Data status

A. Latest Update

11 September 2015

Data were collected from January 1980 to September 2015. However, during this period, the sampling, sample preservation and counting methods changed several times (as shown in Section 8. Method B). Data were continuously collected through September 2015 and the database was updated when the new data were verified.

B. Metadata status

The metadata for the relevant period are complete and have been filed and stored with the raw data.

10. Accessibility

A. License and usage rights

1) Acceptable use. The dataset should not be used for any illegal purpose or to violate the rights of others. Dataset usage should be restricted to academic, research, educational, government, or other not-for-profit professional purposes. Data users need to agree to the terms of use for NIES Lake Kasumigaura Database ( Please make sure to contact the data manager of Lake Kasumigaura Database by email ( before using the dataset.

2) Citation. Data use should appropriately cite the present paper in all of the publications or when citing metadata derived using our data. As our metadata may be updated at any time, the date of the update cited should be shown in the bibliography.

3) Acknowledgements. To support our long-term monitoring, all of the data users should include the following text in any publications using the dataset: “The XXX data are those of the Lake Kasumigaura Long-term Environmental Monitoring Program of the National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan.”

4) Notification. Data users should notify the nominated Dataset Contact when any derivative work or publication based on or derived from the dataset is contemplated. The Dataset Contact requires two reprints or a PDF file of any publication using dataset details.

5) Collaboration. Data users are strongly encouraged to consider consultation, collaboration, and/or co-authorship with data owners.

6) Disclaimer. In no event shall any author, data owner, or the National Institute for Environmental Studies be liable for loss of profit or for any indirect or incidental damages arising from data use or interpretation.

B. Contact

Dataset Contact

Megumi Nakagawa or Noriko Takamura
Center for Environmental Biology and Ecosystem Studies, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Onogawa 16-2, Tsukuba 305-8506, Japan
Telephone number: +81-298-50-2471

C. Storage location

JaLTER Database

The data owners and the National Institute for Environmental Studies store the original data.

11. Data structure

A. Data tables

Data file name Description
Kasumi_Mysida.csv Density (individuals of Neomysis intermedia) per cubic meter of lake water collected at Stations 3 and 9.
Kasumi_Crustacea.csv Density (individuals) per liter of lake water of 32 taxa collected at Stations 3 and 9.
Kasumi_Rotifer.csv Density (individuals) per liter of lake water of 40 taxa collected at Stations 3 and 9.
TaxonList.csv The species-wise information table.

B: Format type

All of the data files are in ASCII text format, and are comma-delimited (using the csv format).

C: Header information

Headers corresponding to the names of variable (see Section 11.D) are included in the first rows of the data files.

D: Definitions of variables

All variables are listed in the order in which they appear in the first rows of the data files. The term “.” indicates that we did not encounter this species during counting. This means that the density of each taxon (species or genus) was less than the minimum numerical value of the range of such values (Table 2). “NA” indicates a missing datum. The definitions of variables are given in Table 1.

Data file name Variable name Variable definition Range of numerical values
Kasumi_Mysida.csv Date Sampling date (yyyy/m/d) 1980/4/25–2015/9/11
Sta. Site name 3, 9
Taxonomic ID Identification of taxa (species or genus) -
Taxa (species or genus) Scientific names of taxa (species or genus) -
Density Density (individuals m-3) 0.3–4,446
Kasumi_Crustacea.csv Date Sampling date (yyyy/m/d) 1980/1/23–2015/9/11
Sta. Site name 3, 9
Taxonomic ID Identification of taxa (species or genus) -
Taxa(species or genus) Scientific names of taxa (species or genus) -
Density Density (individuals L-1) 0.001–2,209
Kasumi_Rotifer.csv Date Sampling date (yyyy/m/d) 1980/1/23–2015/9/11
Sta. Site name 3, 9
Taxonomic ID Identification of taxa (species or genus) -
Taxa(species or genus) Scientific names of taxa (species or genus) -
Density Density (individuals L-1) 0.1–3,077
Data file name Variable: Taxa (species or genus) Range of numerical values
Kasumi_Mysida Neomysis intermedia 0.3–4,446
Kasumi_Crustacea Calanoida (mature) spp. 0.1–29
Eodiaptomus japonicus 0.1–82
Pseudodiaptomus inopinus 0.1–105
Clanoida (copepodid) 0.1–415
Cyclopoida (mature) spp. 0.1–67
Cyclops vicinus 0.1–27
Eucyclops spp. 0.2–1.5
Mesocyclops sp. 0.2–30
Paracyclops fibriatus 0.2–0.2
Thermocyclops taihokuensis 0.3–21
Cyclopoida (copepodid) 0.1–623
nauplius 0.1–834
Alona spp. 0.1–12
Bosmina fatalis 0.1–2,209
Bosmina longirostris 0.1–1,450
Bosmina spp. 0.1–645
Bosminopsis deitersi 0.3–8.5
Ceriodaphnia cornuta 0.3–241
Ceriodaphnia reticulata 1.7–11
Chydorus sphaericus 0.2–390
Daphnia ambigua 0.3–283
Daphnia galeata 0.1–277
Diaphanosoma brachyurum 0.1–492
Disparalona rostrata 0.2–3.8
Ilyicryptus sordidus 0.2–0.2
Leptodora kindtii 0.001–2.8
Leydigia leydigii 0.4–1.6
Leydigia sp.1 1.2–1.2
Moina macrocopa 0.3–22.5
Moina micrura 0.1–293
Pleuroxus hamulatus 0.1–1.2
Unknown-cladocera spp. 2.5–5.0
Kasumi_Rotifer Anuraeopsis fissa 0.6–588
Asplanchna spp. 0.1–600
Bdelloidae spp. 0.3–6.4
Brachionus angularis 0.1–575
Brachionus budapestinensis 0.3–126
Brachionus calyciflorus 0.2–2,016
Brachionus forficula 0.3–105
Brachionus leydigi 0.5–1.2
Brachionus quadridentatus 0.2–69
Brachionus rubens or urceolaris 0.1–83
Collothecidae spp. 1.1–91
Colurella spp. 1.6–1.6
Conochiloides sp. 0.3–861
Conochilus sp. 0.3–797
Euchlanis spp. 0.3–60
Filinia longiseta 0.2–250
Filinia spp. 0.3–2,026
Hexarthra mira 0.3–89
Keratella cochlearis 0.1–3,077
Keratella cochlearis var. micracantha 1.5–143
Keratella cochlearis var. tecta 0.1–2,147
Keratella quadrata 0.3–763
Keratella valga 0.2–291
Lecane spp. 0.5–129
Lepadella spp. 0.7–1.2
Lophocharis spp. 2.7–117
Mytilina spp. 1.4–1.4
Notholca spp. 0.3–4.3
Ploesoma truncatum 1.6–1.6
Polyarthra vulgaris 0.1–1,804
Polyarthra spp. 0.1–2,383
Pompholyx spp. 0.5–788
Proales spp. 4.5–13
Schizocerca diversicornis 0.3–110
Synchaeta spp. 0.2–674
Trichocerca captina 0.1–76
Trichocerca spp. 0.1–2,500
Trichotria spp. 0.5–8.3
Unknown-rotifer sp.1 0.5–480
Unknown-rotifer sp.2 2.6–795

12. Supplementary information

We have deposited the data in the database of the Lake Kasumigaura Long-term Environmental Monitoring Program. This program, run by the NIES, commenced in 1977. Thus, our data are those reported on the Japanese-language website ( ) and on the English-language website ( ) (one of the website of NIES, Japan).

13. Acknowledgements

The publication of this data paper was encouraged by J-BON (Japan Biodiversity Observation Network), and was partially supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) Number 15H02380 (2015–2018).

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