図1 BEAMSモデルの全体の流れ
光合成有効放射吸収量の割合(Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation; fPAR)
葉面積指数 (Leaf Area Index; LAI)
計算には、名古屋大学が独自開発した陸域生物圏モデルBEAMS (Biosphere model integrating Eco-physiological And Mechanistic approaches using Satellite data) (Sasai et al., 2005, 2007)を用います。BEAMSは地上・衛星観測データを入力値として、地表面における炭素・水・エネルギープロセス、及びその相互作用を計算し、最終的にはそれらの収支量及び貯留量を出力する観測データ利用型のモデルです。広域計算では、気温、風速など複数地点での地上観測値から作成された面的データ、降水量・葉面積指数(LAI)などの衛星観測データ、および植生分類図、土壌分類図、土壌深度、標高などの地理データを入力値とし、炭素・水・エネルギーフラックス、炭素・水貯留量などを1kmメッシュ解像度で出力します(図1)。計算した期間は、2001〜2006年までの6年間、対象地域は極東アジア域、時間分解能は1ヶ月です。
図2 BEAMSモデルの入力データと出力データの種類
Parameter | Dataset Name |
LST | MOD11A2a, MYD11A2a |
fPAR,LAI | MOD15A2b, MYD15A2b |
Albedo | MOD43B3c |
Air temperature | NCEP/NCARd, WORLDCLIMe |
Incoming solar radiation | MODIS PAR productf |
Wind speed | NCEP/NCARd |
Relative humidity | MODIS VPD productg |
Precipitation | TRMM/3B43h, WORLDCLIMe |
Atmospheric CO2 concentration | Observation in Mauna Loai |
Elevation | SRTM 30j |
Soil texture | IGBP-DISk |
Land cover map | MOD12Q1l |
bTerra and Aqua/MODIS Leaf Area Index/FPAR 8-Day L4 Global 1km [Myneni et al.,1997,2002];
cTerra/MODIS Albedo 16-Day L3 Global 1km [Liang et al., 2002; Lucht and Lewis, 2000];
dNational Center for Environmental Prediction and National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) re-analysis data set;
eWORLDCLIM data version 1.4 [Hijmans et al., 2005];
fPAR dataset derived from Terra/MODIS reflectance product (MOD02) [Nasahara, 2008];
gVPD dataset derived from the MODIS LST product (MOD11 and MYD11) [Hashimoto et al., 2008];
hTRMM rainfall product 3B43;
iAtmosphericCO2 values (ppmv)derived fromin situ air samples collected atMauna Loa,
Hawaii, USA provided by the CDIACWeb site [Keeling et al., 1995; Keeling et al., 2009];
jShuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 30 arc-seconds Digital Elevation Model (DEM) dataset [Farr et al., 2007];
kInternational Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) - Data and Information System (DIS) soil dataset;
lMODIS Land Cover Type 96-Day L3 Global 1km [Friedl et al., 2010; Strahlar et al., 1999]
図3 モデル構造の概略図(炭素プロセス)
総一次生産量 (gross primary production; GPP) / 植生呼吸 (autotrophic respiration; Ra) / リター降下 (litter fall; LF) / 土壌有機物分解 (soil decomposition; SD)
図4 モデル構造の概略図(水&エネルギープロセス)
潜熱(latent heat; LE), 正味放射(net radiation;Rn), 顕熱(sensible heat;H), キャノピーによる遮断降水量((canopy Intercepted precipitation;Inter P. ), 遮断蒸発量(intercepted evaporation;Inter E.), 蒸発量(evaporation;Evp.), 蒸散量(transpiration;Trans.), 浸透量(percolation;Perc.) , 地中熱フラックス(ground heat flux;Gsoil)
Model | BEAMS (Biosphere model integrating Eco-physiological And Mechanistic approaches using Satellite data) |
Phenology | Observation-based remote sensing |
Carbon pools | Twelve carbon pools are considered; leaf, stem, root biomass, surface (structure, metabolism and microbe), soil (structure, metabolism and microbe), slow, passive, and leached carbon pools. |
Photosynthesis | Combined Farquhar’s photosynthesis model - Ball-Berry formulation to the LUE concept |
Allocation | Related to temperature, soil water |
Autotrophic respiration | Two components (maintenance and growth) |
Litter fall | Constant mortality and seasonal leaf shedding |
Soil decomposition | Turnover ratio, which depends on soil water contents and soil temperature |
Water pools | 4 pools (canopy layer, snow pack, upper and lower soil layer pools) |
Evaportranspiration | Intercepted, transpiration, and evaporation from two source layers |
Soil water and run-off | Limited by water holding capacity and wilting point |
Percolation | Empirical equation based on Darcy’s law |
Surface radiation budget | Two source layer balance among downward and upward short and long wave radiation on thetop of canopy, forest floor and bare ground |
Energy balance | Balance among net radiation, latent, sensible and ground soil heat fluxes |
図5 モデル検証の流れ
Site Code | Site Name | PFT | Period |
TSE | Teshio CC-LaG experiment site | DBFa | 2002 |
TMK | Tomakomai Flux Research site | DNFb | 2001-2003 |
LSH | Laoshan site (in China) | DNFb | 2004 |
TKC | Takayama evergreen coniferous forest | ENFc | 2006-2007 |
TKY | Takayama deciduous broadleaf forest | DBFa | 2001-2004 |
SMF | Seto Mixed Forest site | Mixedd | 2005-2007 |
図6 モデルの検証結果