

Concentration of radioactive materials in small mammals collected from a restricted area in Fukushima, Japan since 2012


Hiroko Ishiniwa1,a, Tsukasa Okano1,b, Akira Yoshioka2, Masanori Tamaoki2, Yasushi Yokohata3, Junji Shindo4, Noriko Azuma1,c, Nobuyoshi Nakajima1, Manabu Onuma1*


1Center for Environmental Biology and Ecosystem Studies, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Ibaraki, Japan

2Fukushima Branch, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Fukushima, Japan

3Graduate School of Science and Engineering, University of Toyama, Toyama, Japan

4School of Veterinary Medicine, Kitasato University, Aomori, Japan

Present addresses

aInstitute of Environmental Radioactivity, Fukushima University, Fukushima, Japan

bGihu Prefecture, Gihu, Japan

cMokoto, Abashiri, Hokkaido, Japan

*Corresponding author: Manabu Onuma

Address: 16-2, Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8506, Japan

Tel: +81-29-850-2498

Fax: +81-29-850-2673



Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant was struck by a huge earthquake and tsunami, which ultimately released a large amount of radioactive material owing to steam explosion in March 2011. This accident affected extensive area and resulted in soil contamination, which would prevail over a long period. The contaminants included various types of nuclear materials, among which cesium (134,137Cs) has a particularly long half-life. Organisms living in the contaminated area are presumably exposed to radiation caused by the presence of these radioactive contaminants in their environment, in addition to internal exposure owing to the intake of these contaminants through the food web. The purpose of our data collection is to monitor accumulation of radioactive materials in small mammals for a long period and to predict its effects. Reasons for focusing on small mammals include: i) mammals are the most sensitive to radiation, ii) small mammals have a smaller home range compared to large mammals; therefore, accumulation of radioactive materials in small mammals is considered to reflect the condition of the surrounding environment, and iii) among the small mammals, rodents are used as laboratory animals and provide a lot of information, from which we can expect to acquire much knowledge based on investigations. The dataset contains measurements of 134,137Cs and potassium (40K) concentrations in small terrestrial mammals collected in areas contaminated with radioactive contaminants from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. We established two fixed study sites and three temporary sites inside the zone from which humans were evacuated owing to high levels of radiation. Annual monitoring of Cs contamination in small mammals was started in 2012 at the fixed study sites. Until 2016, we collected 547 individuals of four species (Apodemus speciosus, A. argenteus, Microtus montebelli, and Urotrichus talpoides). Cs concentrations in each individual were measured using high-purity germanium detectors against a ground body after removing the internal organs and the head. Our data provide valuable information about temporal changes in 134Cs and 137Cs concentrations in small mammals following the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. The study is continuing and the present dataset will be updated in the future.

Key words

  • Accumulation of radioactive materials
  • Difficult-to-return zone
  • Evacuation zone
  • Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
  • Cesium-134
  • Cesium-137
  • Potassium-40
  • Rodentia
  • Apodemus
  • Soricomorpha


A large amount of radioactive materials was discharged from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) owing to the hydrogen explosion accident following the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 2011. Consequently, the coastal areas of Fukushima Prefecture, including towns, agricultural fields, and forests, were heavily contaminated with radionuclides. Although humans were evacuated from contaminated area where the annual dose level exceeded the regulatory level of radioactivity defined by Japanese government (20 mSv y-1), wild animals and plants, which have remained there, have been chronically exposed to high levels of radiation. In 646 km2 of the area heavily contaminated with Cesium-134 and -137 (134, 137Cs) ≥ 1,000 kBq m-2 had 66 % (428 km2) forest cover (Hashimoto et al. 2012). Modeling studies conducted immediately after the accident reported dose rates over the first 30 days after the accident as 1 mGy d-1 for plants, 1.5 mGy d-1 for birds, 2.3 mGy d-1 for soil invertebrates, and 3.9 mGy d-1 for forest rodents (Garnier-Laplace et al. 2011). These dose rate values were sufficiently high for reducing reproductive success among plants, birds, and rodents, according to the established paradigms in radiation dose and effect studies reviewed by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP 2008). Moreover, Strand et al. (2014) calculated the dose rate to wildlife and indicated that the dose rates might have been as high as 1 mGy h-1 for some organisms over short periods, owing to short-lived radioisotopes, such as Iodine-132 and Terium-132. From 3 months to 1 year after the accident, the major dose-contributing isotopes changed to 134Cs and 137Cs, which have longer half-lives (T1/2 = 2 and 30 years, respectively). Dose rates decreased with time, but a potential risk to individuals of certain species in limited areas might have persisted (Strand et al. 2014). From these reports and situations, it is apparent that long-term research on exposure, dose, and effects of radiation to wildlife is an important research topic that should not be missed.

ICRP defined a set of reference species and recommended dosages to assess and manage radiation exposures in wild organisms (ICRP 2008). According to the ICRP, mammals are the most sensitive to radiation among all organisms and may show some symptoms when exposed to > 0.1 mGy d-1. Rodents are a key species in radiation studies owing to their use in laboratory studies and extrapolation of dose-effect relationships to humans. Most of the rodent data were generated over short periods under high radiation exposures in the laboratory. However, little is known about the effects of radiation from chronic exposures to more moderate dose rates, as is occurring at Fukushima. In Japan, the large Japanese field mouse (Apodemus speciosus) is a good candidate as a reference rodent species. This species commonly inhabits a wide variety of habitats, from open fields to secondary lowland forests. The home range size is reported to be 500 to 1,400 m2 (Oka 1992). Because it rarely climbs trees, insects and plants near the ground surface are the main foods of this species (Ohdachi et al. 2009). Therefore, the large Japanese field mouse could be directly affected by radiation from local areas, which might reflect local changes in radiation dose.

We selected two fixed monitoring sites inside the most contaminated areas, from where humans were evacuated (i.e., the difficult-to-return zone), and started sampling in 2012. In addition, one-shot sampling sites were also established in 2012 and 2014. Our main aim is to track changes in accumulation of radionuclides in the rodents and to investigate the biological effects of long-term radiation exposure in the large Japanese field mouse. In addition, during the investigation, we captured other species, such as the small Japanese field mouse (Apodemus argenteus), Japanese field vole (Microtus montebelli), and Japanese shrew-mole (Urotrichus talpoides). Accumulation of radionuclides in these species was compiled in our dataset, because this data is important and cannot be obtained twice. Among the species collected, the small Japanese field mouse feeds on insects and plants inhabiting from ground surface to arboreal, the Japanese field vole mainly feeds on plants, and the Japanese shrew-mole feeds mainly on insects, earthworms, spiders, and plants (Ohdachi et al. 2009). These variations in feeding habit may result in species-specific differences in radionuclide accumulation rate.

The present data paper provides information on the accumulation of 134Cs and 137Cs in small rodents collected from the same sites each year since the FDNPP. For some individuals, we show the data on the accumulation of potassium-40 (40K), which naturally constitutes 0.012 % of the total amount of potassium, because it is a chemical analog of Cs and useful for discussions related to the effects of 134, 137Cs. These data may contribute to future radiation research by showing changes in radionuclide accumulation by wildlife after the accident.



Concentration of radioactive materials in small mammals collected from a restricted area in Fukushima, Japan since 2012




A. Dataset owner

Manabu Onuma

Center for Environmental Biology and Ecosystem Studies, National Institute for Environmental Studies

Address: 16-2, Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8506, Japan

Tel: +81-29-850-2498

Fax: +81-29-850-2673


B. Contact person

Manabu Onuma

Center for Environmental Biology and Ecosystem Studies, National Institute for Environmental Studies

Address: 16-2, Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8506, Japan

Tel: +81-29-850-2498

Fax: +81-29-850-2673



A. Geographical description

Namie city, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan

B. Boundary coordinates

West:140° 43' 15" E

East:140° 49' 36" E

North:37° 36' 02" N

South:37° 32' 57" N


The earliest sampling date: August 10, 2012

The latest sampling date: September 2, 2016


A. Sampling sites

The samples were collected during the breeding season (July to September) of the large Japanese field mouse from five sites in Fukushima Prefecture (Fig. 1). Site name and geographic coordinates of the sampling sites are shown in Table 1. Sampling at two sites, N1 and N2, was conducted beginning in 2012. Sampling at three other sites was conducted in a single year (site N3 in 2012, and sites N4 and N5 in 2014).

Figure 1. Locations of sampling sites and ambient dose rates (µSv h-1) recorded 1 m above the ground surface. The figure was prepared based on the data of Geospatial Information Authority of Japan and Nuclear Regulation Authority of Japan (2011).

Table1. Sampling locations and duration of sampling.

Site Latitude Longitude Altitude(m) Duration
N1 37° 36' 02" N 140° 45' 07" E 578 Continuing since 2012
N2 37° 34' 32" N 140° 43' 45" E 541 Continuing since 2012
N3 37° 35' 23" N 140° 45' 17" E 570 2012
N4 37° 33' 42" N 140° 49' 36" E 315 2014
N5 37° 32' 57" N 140° 43' 15" E 548 2014

B. Sampling collection

Small mammals were captured using Sherman-type live traps baited with sunflower seeds. At each study site, 50–80 traps were set at 10 m intervals within a 1 km radius from each coordinate. Sampling was conducted once to five times a year. Each sampling period was two to three days in duration. The traps were set during daytime and checked the next morning. Captured mammals were euthanized by CO2 asphyxiation and transported to the laboratory immediately. Each individual was weighed, head and internal organs (stomach, intestine, liver, spleen, and reproductive organs) were removed, and the carcass was stored at –20 °C.

The permissions for collection of wild rodents by entering the exclusion zone and national forests were obtained from the Fukushima Prefecture, Namie town, and Kanto Regional Forest Office, respectively. All the sampling and experiments were conducted with the approval of the National Institute for Environmental Studies for analysis and experimentation with environmental samples contaminated with radioactive materials (Permission No. H24-10-10), and carried out in accordance with the guidelines for using wild mammals of the Mammal Society of Japan (Committee of Reviewing Taxon Names and Specimen Collections in the Mammal Society of Japan 2009) and guideline for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals of the National Institute for Environmental Studies.

C. Determination of 134Cs, 137Cs, and 40K concentrations in the body of captured mammals

The body, without internal organs and head, was ground using a food processor without drying and enclosed in a 100 mL polystyrene container. Mass and volume of the samples were measured under wet conditions. 134Cs, 137Cs, and 40K radioactivity levels were measured using high-purity germanium (HpGe) detectors (GMX45P4-76, Ortec, TN, or GCW7023, Camberra Industries Inc., TN). Gamma Studio (Seiko EG&G Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) and Spectrum Explorer (Camberra) were used for analyzing the gamma ray spectra. A standard radiation source (MX033U8PP, The Japan Radioisotope Association) was used for calibration.

The measuring time for Cs was restricted to 50,000 s because there were a large number of environmental samples to be measured after the nuclear accident. Normally, measurement of Cs was terminated when the number of counts (cnt), gamma rays hitting the detector, exceeded 1,000. Thus, the error of count has been controlled within 3% in our experiments. If 40K was included as a measurement, the count was terminated after the value of 40K exceeded the detection limit and Cs cnt exceeding 1,000. The value of detection limit was calculated according to measurement guideline of Ministry of Education (1992), which followed Cooper’s method (1970). According to Cooper’s method (1970), the value of the detection limit in samples measured was set as k-fold of standard error calculated from average values of blank samples. In our experiments, k was set to three, in accordance with measurement guideline of Ministry of Education (1992), and the detection limit of each sample was calculated. The ranges of detection limit of each nucleus until 2016 were 5.6–1757.9 Bq kg-1 wet weight (ww) for 134Cs, 5.2–1091.4 Bq kg-1 ww for 137Cs, and 25.1–179.7 Bq kg-1 ww for 40K. The values below the detection limits were treated as 0 Bq kg-1 ww. The value of error was calculated by dividing the standard error of true cnt of each nucleus by wet weight of sample. The standard error of cnt (dN) was calculated as follows.

where, nN is number of true count, nb is the number of background counts, ts is the measurement time of the sample, and tb is the measurement time of the background sample. The measured radioactivity levels of 134Cs, 137Cs, and 40K were corrected for radioactive decay to obtain the expected values at the time of sampling.

D. Radiation dosimetry on ground surface at the study sites

Air dose rates at the sampling sites were measured at the ground level (0 m height), where the number of small mammals alive, was recorded using a portable environmental gamma survey meter (NHE20CY3-131By-S, Fuji Electric Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). Although the air dose rates were measured at one arbitrarily chosen spot at each site in 2012, they were measured at five random locations at least 10 m apart since 2013.


Latest update: March 20, 2018


A. License

This dataset is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0;

B. Data updates

The dataset will be updated. Please check the latest version of the dataset.

C. Reusing materials and data

Part of the data is used in an article published by us (Okano et al. 2016) for another purpose.

D. Dataset owner

Manabu Onuma

Center for Environmental Biology and Ecosystem Studies, National Institute for Environmental Studies

Address: 16-2, Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8506, Japan

Tel: +81-29-850-2498

Fax: +81-29-850-2673



A. Data table

Data file name Description
mammal_radiation.csv Dataset of the concentration of radioactive materials in small mammals.
location_radiation.csv Dataset of the radiation dose rate at the study sites.

B. Format type

The data files are in ASCII text, comma delimited (csv) files.

C. Header information

Headers corresponding to variable names (see section 9.D) are included in the first row of the data files.

D. Variable definitions

The variables are listed according to their order of appearance in the data file. The variable names are headers included as the first row in the data file.

Data file name Variable name Variable definition
mammal_radiation.csv Sample ID Identification of each sample
Capture date Capturing date for samples (yyyy/mm/dd)
Order name Identification of taxa (Order)
Family name Identification of taxa (Family)
Scientific name Identification of taxa (Species)
Common name Common name of species
Sex Sex of sample
Body weight Body weight of sample (g). “n.r.” represents not recorded.
Location ID Site name of capturing sample (N1–N5). “n.r.” represents not recorded.
Measure date Measuring date for concentration of Radioactive materials in the sample (yyyy/mm/dd)
Measure time Number of seconds required for measurement of radiation (s)
Cs-134_Conc. Concentration of 134Cs per wet unit weight of the sample (Bq kg-1 ww). “n.t.” represents not tested.
Cs-134_ER Error of 134Cs concentration (Bq kg-1 ww)
Cs-134_DL The detection limit of 134Cs concentration (Bq kg-1 ww)
Cs-134_DND Decision stating whether radioactivity was detected or not and other notes. Blank cell indicates detected. “*1” shows that the skin was not included in the measurement.
Cs-137_Conc. Concentration of 137Cs per wet weight of sample (Bq kg-1 ww). “n.t.” represents not tested.
Cs-137_ER Error of 137Cs concentration (Bq kg-1 ww)
Cs-137_DL The detection limit of 137Cs concentration (Bq kg-1 ww)
Cs-137_DND Decision of detected or not and other notes. Blank cell indicates detected and. “*1” shows that the skin was not included in the measurement.
K-40_Conc. Concentration of 40K per wet weight of sample (Bq kg-1 ww). “n.t.” represents not tested.
K-40_ER Error of 40K concentration (Bq kg-1 ww)
K-40_DL The detection limit of 40K concentration (Bq kg-1 ww)
K-40_DND Decision stating whether radioactivity detected or not and other notes. Blank cell indicates detected. “n.d.” shows not detected.
Modified The date last modified (yyyy/mm/dd). Blank is the published date.
Data file name Variable name Variable definition
location_radiation.csv Location ID Site name of capturing sample (N1–N5)
Year Year of radiation dose measurement at a location (yyyy)
Measuring date Date of measuring radiation dose at a location (yyyy/mm/dd)
Rad_Dose Average value of radiation dose (µSv h-1)
Rad_SD Standard deviation of radiation dose (µSv h-1). “-” represents the unspecified values
n Number of spots measured
Modified The date last modified (yyyy/mm/dd). Blank is the published date


Our special thanks to Dr. Takehiko Hiwatari and Dr. Naoki Nakajima for assistance with the measurement of the radioactivity of cesium and potassium. We are also grateful to Professor Thomas G. Hinton for checking the quality of English used, and for useful suggestion. This study was financially supported by the project "Study on the dynamics of radioactive materials in a multimedia environment" commissioned by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan from 2012 to 2015, thereafter it was financially supported by internal funds from the National Institute for Environmental Studies.

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