113 1001 Müller, Astrid; Tanimoto, Hiroshi National Institute for Environmental Studies, 16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8506 Japan in situ/Airplane, in situ/Ship, TANSO-FTS/GOSAT, MIROC4-ACTM/Model NIES/Climate Change and Air Quality Research Program 2 2 2014 01 01 2024 04 15 1 RECORD: Months since 2014-01-01 00:00:00 +00:00 4 1 1 1 1 9999 99 9999.99 999 YEAR: Year (UTC) MONTH: Month (UTC) blended.obs.XCH4: column-averaged dry-air mixing ratios of CH4 [ppb] UC.: uncertainty interval of obs. XCH4 derived from uncertainties [ppb] 4 LATITUDE: 20 ~ 30 [degree] LONGITUDE: 130 ~ 150 [degree] TIME_ZONE: 0 CONTACT_EMAIL_OF_THE_DATA_PROVIDER: cgerdb_admin(at)nies.go.jp 91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In situ CH4 observations by cargo-ships of the Ship Of Opportunity Program (SOOP, https://soop.jp/ ), commercial aircrafts of the Comprehensive Observation Network for Trace gases by Airliner (CONTRAIL, https://www.cger.nies.go.jp/contrail/), and by ship and aircraft of the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) are monthly averaged within 10 degree latitude by 20 degree longitude boxes over the ocean. Atmospheric CH4 profiles are constructed using ship, and JMA aircraft for the mid troposphere (~450 hPa), and CONTRAIL for the upper troposphere (~200 hPa). Ship data are extrapolated vertically to ~850 hPa. Additionally, linear interpolation is done between the extrapolated ship data and the JMA aircraft, and between CONTRAIL and the blended tropopause pressure (TROPPB). TROPPB data are extracted from GEOS-FP-IT (Goddard Earth Observing System-Forward Processing for Instrument Teams; https://gmao.gsfc.nasa.gov/GMAO_products/) meteorology data using the Python suite ginput, version 1.0.6 (https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-16-1121-2023). Between JMA and CONTRAIL, and for the stratospheric partial column above the TROPPB, results of the MIROC4-ACTM (https://doi.org/10.2151/SOLA.2018-016) are used. The constructed CH4 profiles are interpolated onto the corresponding monthly averaged pressure grid of the GOSAT (Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite) NIES (National Institute for Environmental Studies) retrieval. From these profiles, the "blended observation-based column-averaged mixing ratio of CH4" (blended obs. XCH4) is calculated using equation (15) of Connor et al. (2008) (https://doi.org/10.1029/2006JD008336). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Terms and Conditions of Use - The author of this data set (hereafter "Author") agrees to the use of this data set by person(s) wishing to use the data (hereafter "User") as stipulated in the Terms and Conditions below. 1. Scope of consent: - The User may re-distribute the data to third party without any change or transformation of the data, and may publish new intellectual products (hereafter "Products") based on this data set. 2. 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Citation format: - When this data set is referred to in publications, it should be cited in the following format. Müller et al. (2024), Ship and aircraft in situ observation-based column-averaged dry-air mixing ratios of CH4 (obs. XCH4) over the Western Pacific Ocean, verx.x*1, NIES, DOI:10.17595/20240531.001. (Reference date*2: YYYY/MM/DD) *1 The version number is indicated in the name of each data file. *2 As the reference date, please indicate the date you downloaded the files. 6. Utilization reporting: - Re-distribution of the data or release of Products derived from the data set, shall be reported to the Data Provider without delay. 7. Error reporting: - Any error in the data set, or the suspicion thereof, should be immediately reported to the Data Provider. 8. 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If you want to use our advisory service, contact the Data Provider. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECORD YEAR MONTH blended.obs.XCH4 UC. 1 2014 01 9999.99 999 2 2014 02 9999.99 999 3 2014 03 1829.39 16 4 2014 04 1828.98 16 5 2014 05 1826.34 16 6 2014 06 1817.90 16 7 2014 07 1832.13 16 8 2014 08 1806.89 16 9 2014 09 1843.74 16 10 2014 10 9999.99 999 11 2014 11 9999.99 999 12 2014 12 9999.99 999 13 2015 01 9999.99 999 14 2015 02 1845.52 16 15 2015 03 1828.45 16 16 2015 04 1828.17 16 17 2015 05 1820.77 16 18 2015 06 1823.88 16 19 2015 07 1814.63 16 20 2015 08 1822.31 16 21 2015 09 1840.41 16 22 2015 10 1849.15 16 23 2015 11 1847.32 16 24 2015 12 9999.99 999 25 2016 01 1856.56 16 26 2016 02 1843.67 16 27 2016 03 1848.92 16 28 2016 04 1840.99 16 29 2016 05 1859.03 16 30 2016 06 1836.25 16 31 2016 07 1838.97 16 32 2016 08 1858.98 16 33 2016 09 1854.11 16 34 2016 10 1854.36 16 35 2016 11 9999.99 999 36 2016 12 9999.99 999 37 2017 01 9999.99 999 38 2017 02 1840.96 16 39 2017 03 1854.66 16 40 2017 04 9999.99 999 41 2017 05 1857.28 16 42 2017 06 9999.99 999 43 2017 07 1837.86 16 44 2017 08 9999.99 999 45 2017 09 9999.99 999 46 2017 10 9999.99 999 47 2017 11 9999.99 999 48 2017 12 9999.99 999