135 1001 Motoki Sasakawa; Toshinobu Machida National Institute for Environmental Studies, 16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba-City, Ibaraki, 305-8506 Japan Japan-Russia Siberian Tall Tower Inland Observation Network NIES/CGER Global Environment Monitoring 1 15 2007 12 27 2023 11 10 0.0 RECORD: Record number 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9999 99 99 99 99 9999.999999 999 999.9 99.99 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 999.9 999.9 999 999 9999.9 9999 9999.9 9999.9 999.9 YEAR: Year (UTC) MONTH: Month (UTC) DAY: Day (UTC) HOUR: Hour (UTC) MINUTE: Minute (UTC) Day_of_year: Day of year (UTC) Vp: Valve position, 50, 29 [m] CO2: CO2 mixing ratio [ppm] CO2_CAL_Unc: CO2 CAL Uncertainty [ppm] CO2_SWS_Unc: CO2 SWS Uncertainty [ppm] CH4: Methane mixing ratio [ppb] CH4_CAL_Unc: CH4 CAL Uncertainty [ppb] CH4_SWS_Unc: CH4 SWS Uncertainty [ppb] tp1: Atmospheric temperature at 50 m (average) [C] tp2: Atmospheric temperature at 29 m (average) [C] hm1: Humidity at 50 m (average) [%] hm2: Humidity at 29 m (average) [%] ws: Wind speed (average) [m/sec] wd: Wind direction (average) [degree] sr: Solar radiation (average) [W/m2] ap: Atmospheric pressure (average) [hPa] pr: Precipitation rate (accumulate) [mm] 8 SITE_NAME: Azovo LATITUDE: 54.7050 [degree] LONGITUDE: 73.0292 [degree] ELEVATION: 110 [m] AIR_INLET_HEIGHTS: 50, 29 [m] TIME_ZONE: UTC +5 DATA_SOURCE: AZV_2007.csv CONTACT_EMAIL: cgerdb_admin(at)nies.go.jp 91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note - NIES 09 CO2 scale - NIES 94 CH4 scale -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Terms and Conditions of Use - By accessing or using the Service you agree to follow these Terms. 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(Reference date*2: YYYY/MM/DD) *1 The version number is indicated in the name of each data file. *2 As the reference date, please indicate the date you downloaded the files. - When generally referring to the data of JR-STATION, please also cite Sasakawa et al.(2010). Sasakawa, M., et al.(2010), Continuous measurements of methane from a tower network over Siberia, Tellus Series B-Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 62(5), 403-416, doi:10.1111/j.1600-0889.2010.00494.x. 6. Utilization reporting: - Re-distribution of the data or release of Products derived from the data set, shall be reported to the Data Provider without delay. 7. Error reporting: - Any error in the data set, or the suspicion thereof, should be immediately reported to the Data Provider. 8. 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If you want to use our advisory service, contact the Data Provider. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grant Agency - The measurements were financially supported by the Global Environmental Research Coordination System from the Ministry of the Environment of Japan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECORD YEAR MONTH DAY HOUR MINUTE Day_of_year Vp CO2 CO2_CAL_Unc CO2_SWS_Unc CH4 CH4_CAL_Unc CH4_SWS_Unc tp1 tp2 hm1 hm2 ws wd sr ap pr 1 2007 12 27 11 20 2007.987595 50 394.7 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -3.2 -2.9 75 74 9.8 346 26.9 1020.1 0.0 2 2007 12 27 11 40 2007.987633 29 394.2 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -3.1 -2.8 77 76 12.1 347 54.7 1020.4 0.0 3 2007 12 27 12 20 2007.987709 50 393.9 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -3.3 -3.1 79 78 8.1 345 56.1 1021.0 0.0 4 2007 12 27 12 40 2007.987747 29 393.4 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -3.2 -3.0 78 77 9.9 344 56.3 1021.4 0.0 5 2007 12 27 13 20 2007.987824 50 393.4 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -3.1 -2.9 79 78 8.2 341 54.7 1022.0 0.0 6 2007 12 27 13 40 2007.987862 29 393.4 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -3.0 -2.8 78 77 9.0 340 53.9 1022.4 0.0 7 2007 12 27 14 20 2007.987938 50 393.1 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -3.0 -2.8 77 76 6.8 333 50.7 1022.7 0.0 8 2007 12 27 14 40 2007.987976 29 394.6 0.17 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -3.0 -2.9 77 77 5.8 324 32.4 1023.0 0.0 9 2007 12 27 16 20 2007.988166 50 391.3 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -4.5 -4.6 80 80 8.0 284 18.0 1023.8 0.0 10 2007 12 27 16 40 2007.988204 29 391.6 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -5.0 -5.1 82 82 7.5 287 17.7 1023.9 0.0 11 2007 12 27 17 20 2007.988280 50 390.7 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -5.9 -6.0 85 85 8.2 275 12.9 1024.0 0.0 12 2007 12 27 17 40 2007.988318 29 390.9 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -6.3 -6.4 87 87 8.3 275 11.9 1024.0 0.0 13 2007 12 27 18 20 2007.988394 50 390.6 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -7.1 -7.3 89 89 7.8 272 12.3 1024.4 0.0 14 2007 12 27 18 40 2007.988432 29 391.1 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -7.4 -7.7 90 90 8.6 274 16.3 1024.4 0.0 15 2007 12 27 19 20 2007.988508 50 390.9 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -8.2 -8.4 91 91 8.9 272 14.9 1024.3 0.0 16 2007 12 27 19 40 2007.988546 29 392.5 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -8.4 -8.7 91 91 8.4 264 11.4 1024.0 0.0 17 2007 12 27 20 20 2007.988623 50 391.8 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -9.7 -10.0 92 92 8.3 255 11.9 1023.9 0.0 18 2007 12 27 20 40 2007.988661 29 392.1 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.4 -10.5 93 92 8.8 253 12.3 1023.8 0.0 19 2007 12 27 21 20 2007.988737 50 394.3 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.9 -10.8 92 91 8.6 259 12.7 1023.8 0.0 20 2007 12 27 21 40 2007.988775 29 395.6 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.8 -10.8 91 90 8.8 253 11.7 1023.8 0.0 21 2007 12 27 22 20 2007.988851 50 396.2 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.9 -10.9 88 87 10.0 252 12.6 1023.7 0.0 22 2007 12 27 22 40 2007.988889 29 396.5 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -11.2 -11.1 87 86 10.4 261 12.3 1023.7 0.0 23 2007 12 27 23 20 2007.988965 50 396.3 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -11.4 -11.3 85 84 8.9 254 12.3 1023.3 0.0 24 2007 12 27 23 40 2007.989003 29 396.6 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -11.4 -11.4 84 83 9.6 251 11.6 1023.1 0.0 25 2007 12 28 0 20 2007.989079 50 395.3 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -11.5 -11.4 82 82 11.9 253 12.6 1023.0 0.0 26 2007 12 28 0 40 2007.989117 29 395.2 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -11.3 -11.2 82 81 12.2 257 12.7 1023.0 0.0 27 2007 12 28 1 20 2007.989193 50 395.4 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -11.5 -11.3 82 81 12.3 258 12.0 1022.8 0.0 28 2007 12 28 1 40 2007.989231 29 395.8 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -11.1 -10.9 81 80 14.0 259 11.7 1022.6 0.0 29 2007 12 28 2 20 2007.989308 50 395.0 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.5 -10.3 81 80 14.5 255 12.4 1022.2 0.0 30 2007 12 28 2 40 2007.989346 29 395.3 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.6 -10.4 81 80 14.7 253 12.4 1021.9 0.0 31 2007 12 28 4 20 2007.989536 50 395.4 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.4 -10.1 81 79 13.4 245 51.0 1020.9 0.0 32 2007 12 28 4 40 2007.989574 29 395.6 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.3 -10.1 81 80 12.1 249 62.4 1020.9 0.0 33 2007 12 28 5 20 2007.989650 50 394.7 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -9.2 -8.9 77 76 12.2 253 80.1 1020.4 0.0 34 2007 12 28 5 40 2007.989688 29 394.5 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -8.8 -8.6 75 74 14.3 253 106.4 1020.2 0.0 35 2007 12 28 6 20 2007.989764 50 393.9 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -8.3 -8.0 72 71 14.2 258 155.4 1020.0 0.0 36 2007 12 28 6 40 2007.989802 29 394.2 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -8.3 -8.0 72 71 14.7 258 178.7 1019.8 0.0 37 2007 12 28 7 20 2007.989878 50 394.2 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -8.6 -8.3 74 73 14.8 260 130.6 1019.8 0.0 38 2007 12 28 7 40 2007.989916 29 394.3 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -8.6 -8.3 75 73 14.3 259 183.4 1019.5 0.0 39 2007 12 28 8 20 2007.989992 50 394.1 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -8.6 -8.2 75 73 14.6 258 210.7 1019.1 0.0 40 2007 12 28 8 40 2007.990031 29 393.7 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -8.4 -8.1 73 72 16.0 254 231.4 1018.6 0.0 41 2007 12 28 9 20 2007.990107 50 393.4 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -8.2 -7.9 73 71 13.5 258 156.3 1018.6 0.0 42 2007 12 28 9 40 2007.990145 29 393.6 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -8.3 -8.0 73 72 13.0 259 91.7 1018.6 0.0 43 2007 12 28 10 20 2007.990221 50 394.1 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -8.6 -8.4 75 74 12.2 259 44.3 1018.6 0.0 44 2007 12 28 10 40 2007.990259 29 394.0 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -8.6 -8.4 75 74 12.9 255 35.1 1018.5 0.0 45 2007 12 28 11 20 2007.990335 50 393.8 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -8.8 -8.5 75 74 14.1 257 14.6 1018.3 0.0 46 2007 12 28 11 40 2007.990373 29 393.8 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -8.8 -8.5 74 73 14.2 259 13.7 1018.3 0.0 47 2007 12 28 12 20 2007.990449 50 393.7 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -8.7 -8.4 72 71 13.7 260 13.0 1018.3 0.0 48 2007 12 28 12 40 2007.990487 29 393.9 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -8.7 -8.5 72 71 13.1 264 13.1 1018.2 0.0 49 2007 12 28 13 20 2007.990563 50 392.3 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -8.7 -8.4 69 69 13.8 266 13.9 1018.2 0.0 50 2007 12 28 13 40 2007.990601 29 392.5 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -8.8 -8.5 70 69 13.0 269 13.7 1018.3 0.0 51 2007 12 28 14 20 2007.990677 50 392.2 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -9.4 -9.1 76 74 12.0 272 13.1 1018.2 0.0 52 2007 12 28 14 40 2007.990715 29 392.2 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -9.7 -9.5 81 79 11.7 268 12.7 1018.0 0.0 53 2007 12 28 16 20 2007.990906 50 392.0 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.3 -10.0 86 84 10.0 268 13.0 1018.3 0.0 54 2007 12 28 16 40 2007.990944 29 392.6 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.4 -10.1 85 84 10.0 272 12.6 1018.2 0.0 55 2007 12 28 17 20 2007.991020 50 392.2 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.4 -10.1 85 84 8.8 270 13.7 1018.2 0.0 56 2007 12 28 17 40 2007.991058 29 392.4 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.3 -10.0 85 83 8.1 272 13.9 1018.3 0.0 57 2007 12 28 18 20 2007.991134 50 392.5 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.3 -10.0 85 84 8.4 271 13.4 1018.3 0.0 58 2007 12 28 18 40 2007.991172 29 392.5 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.2 -10.0 85 84 8.8 270 12.7 1018.2 0.0 59 2007 12 28 19 20 2007.991248 50 392.1 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.1 -9.8 86 85 8.2 271 13.4 1018.2 0.0 60 2007 12 28 19 40 2007.991286 29 392.1 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.0 -9.7 86 85 7.4 271 13.6 1018.0 0.0 61 2007 12 28 20 20 2007.991362 50 392.0 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -9.9 -9.6 87 85 6.7 267 13.3 1018.0 0.0 62 2007 12 28 20 40 2007.991400 29 392.5 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.0 -9.7 87 86 6.3 258 12.7 1018.0 0.0 63 2007 12 28 21 20 2007.991476 50 392.1 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.2 -9.9 87 86 6.9 255 12.3 1018.0 0.0 64 2007 12 28 21 40 2007.991515 29 392.4 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.3 -10.1 87 86 6.9 256 12.3 1018.2 0.0 65 2007 12 28 22 20 2007.991591 50 392.4 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.6 -10.4 87 86 6.3 258 12.7 1018.3 0.0 66 2007 12 28 22 40 2007.991629 29 392.8 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.6 -10.5 87 86 6.6 263 12.7 1018.3 0.0 67 2007 12 28 23 20 2007.991705 50 392.7 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.6 -10.4 87 86 5.7 256 13.0 1018.3 0.0 68 2007 12 28 23 40 2007.991743 29 392.7 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.5 -10.3 87 86 6.0 256 12.9 1018.4 0.0 69 2007 12 29 0 20 2007.991819 50 392.6 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.5 -10.3 87 86 6.0 256 13.3 1018.5 0.0 70 2007 12 29 0 40 2007.991857 29 392.9 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.6 -10.3 88 86 6.3 259 13.3 1018.5 0.0 71 2007 12 29 1 20 2007.991933 50 393.0 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.6 -10.4 88 86 5.4 251 13.0 1018.5 0.0 72 2007 12 29 1 40 2007.991971 29 393.8 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.6 -10.4 88 87 5.5 252 13.3 1018.6 0.0 73 2007 12 29 2 20 2007.992047 50 393.1 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.7 -10.4 88 86 5.9 253 13.4 1018.6 0.0 74 2007 12 29 2 40 2007.992085 29 394.3 0.05 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.8 -10.5 88 86 5.8 258 13.3 1018.6 0.0 75 2007 12 29 4 20 2007.992276 50 394.1 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.6 -10.3 88 86 4.2 254 35.0 1019.2 0.0 76 2007 12 29 4 40 2007.992314 29 394.8 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.6 -10.3 88 86 4.2 248 51.7 1019.4 0.0 77 2007 12 29 5 20 2007.992390 50 394.2 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.6 -10.3 87 85 4.8 255 85.7 1019.6 0.0 78 2007 12 29 5 40 2007.992428 29 395.3 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.5 -10.1 86 84 4.2 256 103.6 1019.7 0.0 79 2007 12 29 6 20 2007.992504 50 393.5 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.3 -10.0 85 83 5.7 240 193.1 1019.6 0.0 80 2007 12 29 6 40 2007.992542 29 394.4 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.3 -9.9 84 82 4.6 243 202.1 1019.7 0.0 81 2007 12 29 7 20 2007.992618 50 393.9 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.6 -10.2 83 82 6.0 246 207.4 1019.6 0.0 82 2007 12 29 7 40 2007.992656 29 394.8 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.5 -10.0 82 79 5.3 243 242.9 1019.5 0.0 83 2007 12 29 8 20 2007.992732 50 393.9 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.7 -10.1 80 78 6.1 244 216.9 1019.8 0.0 84 2007 12 29 8 40 2007.992770 29 394.1 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.7 -10.3 79 77 5.6 247 206.9 1019.8 0.0 85 2007 12 29 9 20 2007.992846 50 393.8 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.7 -10.4 78 76 4.6 231 160.4 1019.7 0.0 86 2007 12 29 9 40 2007.992884 29 393.9 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.9 -10.6 78 76 5.1 223 132.6 1019.8 0.0 87 2007 12 29 10 20 2007.992960 50 393.7 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -11.2 -11.1 78 77 5.5 224 50.0 1020.1 0.0 88 2007 12 29 10 40 2007.992999 29 394.9 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -11.5 -11.5 78 78 7.0 230 21.9 1020.1 0.0 89 2007 12 29 11 20 2007.993075 50 393.7 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -11.8 -12.0 79 79 6.9 207 12.3 1019.8 0.0 90 2007 12 29 11 40 2007.993113 29 394.5 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -12.3 -12.4 79 80 7.1 218 11.3 1019.8 0.0 91 2007 12 29 12 20 2007.993189 50 393.4 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -12.2 -12.8 79 80 8.5 226 11.7 1019.8 0.0 92 2007 12 29 12 40 2007.993227 29 393.9 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -12.5 -12.9 80 81 8.6 231 11.9 1020.0 0.0 93 2007 12 29 13 20 2007.993303 50 393.4 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -12.5 -13.1 80 81 8.0 240 11.9 1019.8 0.0 94 2007 12 29 13 40 2007.993341 29 393.9 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -12.5 -12.9 80 81 8.2 236 11.6 1019.8 0.0 95 2007 12 29 14 20 2007.993417 50 393.4 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -12.7 -13.0 79 80 8.3 237 11.9 1020.0 0.0 96 2007 12 29 14 40 2007.993455 29 393.8 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -12.9 -13.2 79 80 7.9 237 12.0 1020.1 0.0 97 2007 12 29 16 20 2007.993645 50 393.5 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -14.2 -14.3 74 76 7.7 233 12.3 1020.0 0.0 98 2007 12 29 16 40 2007.993683 29 394.1 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -14.5 -14.6 73 74 7.4 230 13.1 1020.0 0.0 99 2007 12 29 17 20 2007.993760 50 393.1 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.0 -15.2 73 73 7.4 228 17.0 1019.8 0.0 100 2007 12 29 17 40 2007.993798 29 393.3 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.0 -15.3 73 73 7.8 229 11.7 1019.7 0.0 101 2007 12 29 18 20 2007.993874 50 392.8 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.3 -15.6 73 74 8.0 237 12.7 1019.8 0.0 102 2007 12 29 18 40 2007.993912 29 393.7 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.6 -15.8 74 75 7.4 238 13.7 1019.8 0.0 103 2007 12 29 19 20 2007.993988 50 392.9 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.6 -15.8 74 74 8.1 242 16.4 1019.6 0.0 104 2007 12 29 19 40 2007.994026 29 393.6 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.4 -15.7 73 74 8.5 245 11.7 1019.5 0.0 105 2007 12 29 20 20 2007.994102 50 392.6 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.4 -15.7 73 74 8.4 249 12.6 1019.5 0.0 106 2007 12 29 20 40 2007.994140 29 393.2 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.4 -15.7 74 74 7.9 254 16.0 1019.5 0.0 107 2007 12 29 21 20 2007.994216 50 392.5 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.5 -15.9 75 75 8.2 253 17.0 1019.6 0.0 108 2007 12 29 21 40 2007.994254 29 393.4 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.5 -15.9 74 75 8.4 254 11.7 1019.5 0.0 109 2007 12 29 22 20 2007.994330 50 392.3 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.3 -15.7 72 73 8.5 262 12.6 1019.6 0.0 110 2007 12 29 22 40 2007.994368 29 392.9 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.2 -15.6 70 72 9.3 265 12.4 1019.6 0.0 111 2007 12 29 23 20 2007.994445 50 392.1 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.1 -15.5 68 70 8.8 264 12.1 1019.6 0.0 112 2007 12 29 23 40 2007.994483 29 392.9 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.3 -15.7 68 70 8.3 262 11.6 1019.6 0.0 113 2007 12 30 0 20 2007.994559 50 392.1 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.5 -16.0 68 70 7.8 259 12.3 1019.8 0.0 114 2007 12 30 0 40 2007.994597 29 392.7 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.6 -16.0 67 69 8.0 261 12.4 1020.0 0.0 115 2007 12 30 1 20 2007.994673 50 392.2 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.7 -16.2 67 69 8.7 264 12.1 1020.1 0.0 116 2007 12 30 1 40 2007.994711 29 393.1 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.8 -16.2 66 68 9.1 264 12.1 1020.1 0.0 117 2007 12 30 2 20 2007.994787 50 392.1 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.8 -16.2 64 66 9.3 264 12.4 1020.3 0.0 118 2007 12 30 2 40 2007.994825 29 392.9 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.8 -16.2 63 65 9.3 266 12.4 1020.4 0.0 119 2007 12 30 4 20 2007.995015 50 392.4 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.9 -16.4 60 63 8.8 272 59.6 1021.3 0.0 120 2007 12 30 4 40 2007.995053 29 393.4 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.8 -16.4 60 62 9.2 273 70.3 1021.3 0.0 121 2007 12 30 5 20 2007.995129 50 392.7 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.5 -15.8 57 59 8.6 274 156.4 1021.4 0.0 122 2007 12 30 5 40 2007.995167 29 393.3 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.4 -15.5 56 57 8.0 276 183.7 1021.5 0.0 123 2007 12 30 6 20 2007.995244 50 392.7 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -14.8 -14.8 54 55 7.8 277 228.0 1021.6 0.0 124 2007 12 30 6 40 2007.995282 29 393.4 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -14.7 -14.6 54 54 6.6 272 242.7 1021.6 0.0 125 2007 12 30 7 20 2007.995358 50 393.4 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -14.2 -13.8 52 52 5.3 258 256.1 1021.6 0.0 126 2007 12 30 7 40 2007.995396 29 394.7 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -14.0 -13.4 52 51 5.3 257 254.4 1021.6 0.0 127 2007 12 30 8 20 2007.995472 50 393.6 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -13.5 -13.0 51 50 6.2 258 238.4 1021.8 0.0 128 2007 12 30 8 40 2007.995510 29 393.9 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -13.3 -12.9 51 50 7.1 260 223.0 1021.9 0.0 129 2007 12 30 9 20 2007.995586 50 393.3 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -12.8 -12.6 49 50 6.7 266 178.1 1022.0 0.0 130 2007 12 30 9 40 2007.995624 29 394.5 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -12.7 -12.4 49 49 6.2 261 148.7 1022.1 0.0 131 2007 12 30 10 20 2007.995700 50 393.4 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -13.0 -13.0 51 52 6.9 259 81.6 1022.5 0.0 132 2007 12 30 10 40 2007.995738 29 394.1 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -13.3 -13.3 53 54 7.7 259 48.6 1022.6 0.0 133 2007 12 30 11 20 2007.995814 50 393.2 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -13.7 -13.9 55 56 9.3 264 13.0 1022.8 0.0 134 2007 12 30 11 40 2007.995852 29 394.1 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -13.6 -14.0 55 57 9.5 264 11.7 1022.8 0.0 135 2007 12 30 12 20 2007.995929 50 392.9 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -14.0 -14.4 57 59 9.5 264 11.9 1023.1 0.0 136 2007 12 30 12 40 2007.995967 29 393.3 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -13.8 -14.5 56 59 10.5 268 12.0 1023.1 0.0 137 2007 12 30 13 20 2007.996043 50 393.1 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -13.8 -14.4 55 58 10.1 265 12.0 1023.4 0.0 138 2007 12 30 13 40 2007.996081 29 394.3 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -14.3 -14.6 57 59 9.4 261 11.9 1023.6 0.0 139 2007 12 30 14 20 2007.996157 50 392.8 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -14.5 -14.9 56 58 9.4 264 12.3 1023.8 0.0 140 2007 12 30 14 40 2007.996195 29 393.9 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -14.5 -15.0 54 57 9.3 266 11.9 1023.8 0.0 141 2007 12 30 16 20 2007.996385 50 392.4 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -14.0 -14.8 44 49 9.9 259 12.0 1023.7 0.0 142 2007 12 30 16 40 2007.996423 29 393.1 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -14.3 -15.3 45 51 9.4 256 12.0 1023.7 0.0 143 2007 12 30 17 20 2007.996499 50 392.7 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -14.7 -15.4 46 50 8.9 257 11.9 1023.6 0.0 144 2007 12 30 17 40 2007.996537 29 393.3 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -14.3 -15.2 44 50 9.9 252 12.0 1023.4 0.0 145 2007 12 30 18 20 2007.996613 50 392.2 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -14.3 -15.0 48 50 8.7 254 12.3 1023.6 0.0 146 2007 12 30 18 40 2007.996652 29 392.6 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -13.9 -14.5 48 51 9.9 257 12.6 1023.4 0.0 147 2007 12 30 19 20 2007.996728 50 392.6 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -14.0 -14.0 48 49 10.2 256 12.0 1023.3 0.0 148 2007 12 30 19 40 2007.996766 29 393.1 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -14.1 -14.1 48 49 9.4 255 11.7 1023.3 0.0 149 2007 12 30 20 20 2007.996842 50 392.3 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -14.4 -14.5 47 48 9.2 254 11.9 1023.2 0.0 150 2007 12 30 20 40 2007.996880 29 392.9 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -14.7 -14.8 47 49 8.1 255 11.9 1023.2 0.0 151 2007 12 30 21 20 2007.996956 50 392.8 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.3 -15.6 49 52 8.2 253 11.6 1023.0 0.0 152 2007 12 30 21 40 2007.996994 29 393.1 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.4 -15.6 50 52 9.9 248 12.1 1022.8 0.0 153 2007 12 30 22 20 2007.997070 50 392.7 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.6 -15.7 51 52 10.0 244 12.3 1022.7 0.0 154 2007 12 30 22 40 2007.997108 29 393.0 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.7 -15.8 51 52 9.6 244 12.1 1022.7 0.0 155 2007 12 30 23 20 2007.997184 50 392.9 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.8 -15.9 52 53 10.7 249 11.9 1022.5 0.0 156 2007 12 30 23 40 2007.997222 29 393.2 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.9 -15.9 53 53 11.0 248 12.1 1022.5 0.0 157 2007 12 31 0 20 2007.997298 50 392.7 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -16.2 -16.2 56 56 10.2 246 12.1 1022.1 0.0 158 2007 12 31 0 40 2007.997336 29 392.9 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -16.4 -16.3 57 57 9.8 250 12.3 1022.2 0.0 159 2007 12 31 1 20 2007.997413 50 392.9 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -16.5 -16.5 60 60 10.5 247 12.0 1022.1 0.0 160 2007 12 31 1 40 2007.997451 29 393.1 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -16.7 -16.6 62 61 9.4 250 12.3 1022.2 0.0 161 2007 12 31 2 20 2007.997527 50 392.8 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -16.9 -16.8 64 64 9.7 248 12.4 1022.2 0.0 162 2007 12 31 2 40 2007.997565 29 393.1 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -16.9 -16.8 65 65 9.4 247 12.4 1022.4 0.0 163 2007 12 31 4 20 2007.997755 50 392.3 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -16.8 -16.7 66 66 10.4 247 76.7 1022.4 0.0 164 2007 12 31 4 40 2007.997793 29 393.3 0.05 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -16.7 -16.6 66 66 10.6 244 111.1 1022.1 0.0 165 2007 12 31 5 20 2007.997869 50 392.3 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -16.0 -15.8 64 64 11.0 246 171.4 1021.9 0.0 166 2007 12 31 5 40 2007.997907 29 392.8 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.6 -15.3 64 63 11.1 248 210.3 1021.9 0.0 167 2007 12 31 6 20 2007.997983 50 392.4 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -14.8 -14.6 63 63 9.1 247 217.3 1021.5 0.0 168 2007 12 31 6 40 2007.998021 29 393.0 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -14.6 -14.4 64 63 10.3 242 211.9 1021.3 0.0 169 2007 12 31 7 20 2007.998097 50 393.0 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -14.1 -13.8 65 64 11.1 242 217.3 1020.8 0.0 170 2007 12 31 7 40 2007.998136 29 393.6 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -13.7 -13.4 65 64 10.4 240 251.3 1020.7 0.0 171 2007 12 31 8 20 2007.998212 50 393.3 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -13.1 -12.6 64 62 9.7 248 243.0 1020.3 0.0 172 2007 12 31 8 40 2007.998250 29 393.6 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -12.9 -12.6 64 63 10.3 244 183.4 1020.2 0.0 173 2007 12 31 9 20 2007.998326 50 393.2 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -12.4 -12.0 63 63 11.1 244 230.4 1020.1 0.0 174 2007 12 31 9 40 2007.998364 29 393.3 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -12.2 -11.8 63 62 11.6 246 198.1 1020.2 0.0 175 2007 12 31 10 20 2007.998440 50 392.9 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -12.0 -11.8 65 64 11.6 241 81.3 1020.0 0.0 176 2007 12 31 10 40 2007.998478 29 393.5 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -11.9 -11.7 65 64 11.6 243 49.9 1020.0 0.0 177 2007 12 31 11 20 2007.998554 50 392.9 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -11.8 -11.6 65 65 11.7 247 16.3 1019.7 0.0 178 2007 12 31 11 40 2007.998592 29 393.2 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -11.7 -11.5 65 65 12.3 248 13.0 1019.7 0.0 179 2007 12 31 12 20 2007.998668 50 392.3 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -11.4 -11.3 65 65 12.0 251 13.1 1019.6 0.0 180 2007 12 31 12 40 2007.998706 29 392.8 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -11.3 -11.1 65 64 11.5 254 13.3 1019.5 0.0 181 2007 12 31 13 20 2007.998782 50 392.3 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.8 -10.6 64 64 12.9 255 13.1 1019.4 0.0 182 2007 12 31 13 40 2007.998820 29 392.4 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.8 -10.6 65 64 12.5 256 13.4 1019.2 0.0 183 2007 12 31 14 20 2007.998897 50 392.3 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -10.9 -10.6 66 66 11.6 258 14.1 1019.2 0.0 184 2007 12 31 14 40 2007.998935 29 393.2 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -11.0 -10.6 67 66 11.8 258 13.9 1019.2 0.0 185 2007 12 31 16 20 2007.999125 50 393.4 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -11.2 -10.9 69 68 10.8 257 13.7 1019.2 0.0 186 2007 12 31 16 40 2007.999163 29 393.6 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -11.3 -11.0 70 69 10.1 259 13.4 1019.2 0.0 187 2007 12 31 17 20 2007.999239 50 393.7 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -11.5 -11.2 71 70 10.1 257 13.1 1019.0 0.0 188 2007 12 31 17 40 2007.999277 29 393.9 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -11.5 -11.2 71 70 9.6 257 13.1 1019.0 0.0 189 2007 12 31 18 20 2007.999353 50 393.5 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -11.7 -11.5 71 70 9.3 257 13.1 1018.9 0.0 190 2007 12 31 18 40 2007.999391 29 393.7 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -12.1 -11.9 72 71 10.1 256 12.9 1018.9 0.0 191 2007 12 31 19 20 2007.999467 50 393.8 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -12.7 -12.5 73 72 9.5 258 12.4 1018.6 0.0 192 2007 12 31 19 40 2007.999505 29 394.1 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -12.9 -12.7 73 72 9.3 260 12.6 1018.8 0.0 193 2007 12 31 20 20 2007.999581 50 393.5 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -13.2 -13.0 74 73 8.3 259 12.9 1018.8 0.0 194 2007 12 31 20 40 2007.999620 29 393.7 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -13.5 -13.3 74 73 8.6 260 12.7 1018.6 0.0 195 2007 12 31 21 20 2007.999696 50 393.6 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -14.0 -13.7 74 73 8.5 261 12.1 1018.5 0.0 196 2007 12 31 21 40 2007.999734 29 394.0 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -14.2 -14.0 74 74 8.7 262 12.3 1018.5 0.0 197 2007 12 31 22 20 2007.999810 50 393.1 0.03 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -14.7 -14.6 75 74 9.1 264 13.0 1018.5 0.0 198 2007 12 31 22 40 2007.999848 29 393.6 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -14.9 -14.8 75 74 8.5 266 12.7 1018.5 0.0 199 2007 12 31 23 20 2007.999924 50 394.0 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.2 -15.0 75 74 7.7 261 12.7 1018.5 0.0 200 2007 12 31 23 40 2007.999962 29 394.5 0.04 99.99 9999 999.9 999.9 -15.3 -15.1 76 75 7.5 259 13.6 1018.4 0.0