Polar Vortex Forecasts



The CGER (Center for Global Environmental Research) of the NIES (National Institute for Environmental Studies) of Japan has performed analyses on trajectory and stratospheric polar vortices, and polar vortex forecasts using the Stratosphere-Troposphere Research Assisting System (STRAS).

The STRAS utilizes meteorological data for intensive observation projects and analysis of monitoring data.

The CGER has provided maps of the polar vortex forecasts both for the Northern Hemisphere (N.H.) and the Southern Hemisphere (S.H.) using the forecast data of the NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) of the United States.

Also, it has provided the maps using the reanalysis data of NCEP.

It is extremely effective for planning and real-time analysis of data during intensive observational campaigns.

96 hour Polar Vortex Forecasts on Sep 30, 2012 by STRAS (Potential Vorticity)

96 hour Polar Vortex Forecasts on Sep 30, 2012 by STRAS (Potential Vorticity)