To search governmental offices and agencies for all the countries in the world.
Center for Global Environmental Research
English・日本語To promote, support and monitor the global environmental research in Japan.
Forestry Agency(林野庁)
日本語To monitor and undertake public and private forest land.
Global Environmental Forum (GEF) (財団法人 地球・人間環境フォーラム)
English・日本語To handle global environmental issues : Global warming, tropical forest conservation etcs.
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
(財団法人 地球環境戦略研究機構)
To conduct pragmatic and innovative strategic policy research to support sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific region.
Japan Wood-Products Information and Research Center (JAWIC)
(一般財団法人 日本木材総合情報センター)
To support wood industries through stabilization of wood market due to buffer stock mechanism, mainly for lumber and plywood.
Ministry of the Environment(環境省)
English・日本語To govern all topics on environment.
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan
To contribute to the development of national economy and stabilization of national life through stable food supply.
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MLIT)
To utilize, develop and conserve land in Japan, develop infrastructure, implement transportation policies, promote the progress of meteorological tasks.
Ministry of Internal Affair and Communications - Statistics Bureau
(総務省 統計局)
To coordinate the government's statistical activities and to promote fundamental policies on official statistics.
National Institute of Informatics (NII)
As an inter-university research institute organized to conduct comprehensive research on informatics and to develop an advanced infrastructure for disseminating scientific information.
Research Institute for Humanity and Nature
To assess global environmental problem through studies on humanity-nature interactions, human life-style and culture.
Japan Government
To search governmental related offices and public services in Japan
To increase production output for agricultural commodities, to assist new entrepreneurship, to develop desolation land.
To promote, ensure and sustain sound environmental management in the process of nation building.
To assist the Orang Asli (Aborigines) community to achieve a well-being socio-economical level, to imbue with ethical values while maintaining their identity.
To provide land survey and mapping services, to provide and disseminate geospatial information to meet national and international requirements.
Aerial photography, town map, digital map, electronic map, geodetic data and astronomical data are on sale.【リンク切れ】
To implement the 'National Biological Diversity Policy' towards an excellence country for conservation, research and utilization of biological diversity.
To supervise, coordinate, improve and develop the marketing of Malaysia agricultural crops.
To improve and guarantee the standard living of agricultural entrepreneurs through machine-oriented farming method, self-competition.
To manage and exploit the sustainable resources of forest towards the development of national socio-economy.
To manage immigration affairs in accordance with national interests.
Responsible for improving the incomes of farmers, livestock breeders and fisherman by efficient utilization of the nation's resources, manages food production for domestic consumption and export.
To carry out research for the development of food and agricultural industries.
To develop cocoa industry in Malaysia through emphasis on increasing productivity and efficiency in cocoa bean production and increasing downstream activities.
Useful statistic data available here.
Formerly Known as Malaysian Cerntre of Remote Sensing (MACRES).
To implement research and development, to advise the government, to coordinate activities in the areas of remote sensing and related technologies.
Paid satellite data available here.
To provide effective meteorological and seismological services. Information on general weather forecast, rainfall, monsoon, satellite picture.
To enhance the well-being of the Malaysian oil palm industry through research, development and excellent services.
Useful statistic data are available here.
To control and develop Malaysian pineapple industry in compliance with the Government's policy, to strengthen the competitiveness of the Malaysian pineapple industry in the global market and maximize its contribution to national development.
To undertake promotional and educational activities to enhance the marketability and image of palm oil and palm oil products in an effort to gain greater consumer confidence as a healthy vegetable oil for the Malaysia consumers.
To assist the development and modernization of the Malaysian rubber industry in all aspects from cultivation, processing, manufacturing and marketing of rubber and rubber products.
To enhance the sustainable growth of the Malaysian timber industry through technical and marketing supports.
To ensure the sustainability of the Malaysian timber industry by improving its competitiveness, enhancing market access and creating trade opportunities.
To collect taxes, to provide customs facilitation to the trade and industrial sectors, to improve compliance with the national legislations in order to protect national economic, social and security interest.
State government related information and public services in Negeri Sembilan Darul khusus.
To search for governmental related offices and public services in Malaysia.
Malaysia State Government
University of Tokyo(東京大学)
English・日本語・中文・한국어Tokyo Metropolitan University(首都大学東京)
English・日本語・中文・한국어Tokyo Institute of Technology(東京工業大学)
English・日本語University of Tsukuba(筑波大学)
English・日本語Kyoto University(京都大学)
English・日本語・中文简体・中文繁体・한국어Hiroshima University(広島大学)
English・日本語・中文・اللغة العربية・españolHokkaido University(北海道大学)
English・日本語 ・中文Gifu University(岐阜大学)
English・日本語Center for Ecological Research, Kyoto University
(京都大学 生態学研究センター)
Environmental and Sustainable Development Programme (ESD), United Nations University
(国際連合大学 環境と持続可能な開発プログラム)
Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University
(北海道大学大学院 地球環境科学研究院)
Universities and Colleges in Japan - Search for universities and colleges in Japan according to location.【リンク切れ】
Universities in Malaysia
The official website of the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia. Search in 6 languages for public and private educational institutions in Malaysia.
Private Universities in Malasia
Universiti swasta Malaysia - Wikipedia MalaysiaTo conserving forests and improving the livelihoods of people in the tropics.
International agreement between governments to ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plans does not threaten their survival.
To promote sustainable development and translate the principles of Agenda 21 into reality.
To build a world without hunger and offer information on forestry issues for all countries in the world.
To advocate ecological science based forest conservation. To provide vast rainforest, forest and biodiversity conservation news and information.
To highlight the link between the exploitation of natural resources (such as timber, diamonds and oil) and human rights abuses.
Helps developing countries fund projects and programs that protect the global environment.
To conduct inter-disciplinary scientific studies on environmental, economic, technological and social issues in the context of human dimensions of global change.
To champion innovation, enabling societies to live sustainably.
To promote the conservation and sustainable management, use and trade of tropical forest resources.
International Union for the Protection of Nature (IUPN)
To influence, encourage and assist societies throughout the world to conserve the integrity and diversity of nature and to ensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable.
Issues on Indonesian's human rights, environment, development, interaction between Japanese and Indonesian.
Protecting and restoring forests and wild places.
Protects the living environment of the Pacific Rim by strengthening democracy, supporting grassroots activism, empowering communities, and redefining international policies.
World rainforest information portal
Campaigns for the forests, their inhabitants and the natural systems for sustainable life.
To protect threatened natural habitats, together with the indigenous people who depend on them for their survival.
To end the loss of the world tropical and temperate rainforests and protect their human and non-human inhabitants.
To promote the conservation of tropical rainforest that leads to long lasting social, economical and environmental benefits.
Sarawak Campaign Committee (SCC)
To conduct researches on the conservation of tropical forest and defense for human right of the aboriginal races.
An American based research institute dedicates to public education, national service and scholarship in the arts, sciences and history.
Provides a unique opportunity for long-term ecological studies in the tropics to better understanding biological diversity.
Tasks for the future of nature conservation in Japan.
An organization dedicated to the protection of the earth's remaining rainforests and the indigenous people who depend on them.
Development in the boreal region.
Environment for development.
To develop policies to promote the management, conservation and sustainable development of all types of forests.
To provide information for policy and action to conserve the living world.
To protect the integrity of the global environment.
To protect the Earth and improve people's lives.
To secure the lands and livelihoods of forest people and supports their efforts to defend the forests from threats.
Researches on negative impacts on societies and the environment caused by liberalization of both international trade and investment.
To conserve the Earth's living natural heritage and our global biodiversity.
To launch campaign for whales, endangered species and tropical rainforest, against acid rain, ozone depletion and climate change.
Deals with environmental problems at the global level.
To assess scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant for the understanding of climate change.
To promote sustainable patterns of world development through collaborative research, policy studies, networking and knowledge dissemination.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
独立行政法人 日本学術振興会
Contributes to the advancement of science in all field of the natural sciences and the humanities.
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
独立行政法人 科学技術振興機構
Promotes consistent research and development which emphasis on the innovation of new technology. Upgrading the infrastructure for the promotion of science and technology.
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
独立行政法人 海洋研究開発機構
Emergency rescue activities, restoration self-sustainability, and economical activities by the people : JCNC's principle.
Japan Center for a Sustainable Environment and Society (JACSES)
To analyze and evaluate Japanese environmental policy, social impacts and encourage broad participation and cooperation of citizens and professionals.
To emphasis on the security, health first policy, to protect consumers right towards a fair society. They also propagate Vaccine hesitancy.
To deal with the environmental issue as an issue of the society from the legal perspective.
Japan International Volunteer Center
An international NGO for community development, peace exchange and emergency relief in 9 countries / regions in Asia and Africa.
Japan Wildlife Conservation Society (JWCS)
To study the philosophy needed for real conservation of wildlife and recommend the practical theory and solution for specific issues both domestically and internationally.
Kiko Network
Mekong Watch Japan
A network to advocate Non-violent Conflict Resolutions and alternative Actions for peace.
Pacific Asia Resource Center (PARC)
To improve environmental and natural resource policymaking worldwide through objective social science research of the highest caliber.
Shapla Neer
A committee in Japan for overseas support, mainly in Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka
Tokyo Geographical Society
財団法人 東京地学協会
To facilitate the modernization of Japan through the development and dissemination of the science of the earth and its human inhabitants.
To eliminate trade of harmful wildlife through researches, monitoring, reports based on the domestic and international law and protocol.
The World Conservation Union (IUCN)(国際自然保護連合)
The green website that generates environmental convention, global standards, scientific knowledge and innovative leadership towards environmental governance.
To preserve plants, animals and natural communities that represent the diversity of life on Earth by protecting the lands and waters they need to survive.
To provide the latest information and resources on climate change regarding meetings, official documents, protocol etcs.
The only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations.
Global network for international conservation movement.
Help to save the world's wildlife.
Focuses on the underlying causes of and practical solutions to the world's problem, in order to inspire people to demand new policies, investment pattern and lifestyle choices
国立情報学研究所 学協会情報発信サービス【2015年8月31日閉鎖】
To provide homepage data area for Japanese academic societies. Academic societies' abbreviated names are arranged in alphabetical order and could be search in English and Japanese languages.
The service was terminated in 2015
Association of Japanese Geographers(日本地理学会)
Ecological Society of Japan(日本生態学会)
Geographic Information Systems Association in Japan (GISA)
International Society for Ecological Modeling (ISEM)(国際生態モデリング学会)
Japanese Society for Plant Systematics (JSPS)(日本植物分類学会)
Japanese Society for Plant Cell and Molecular Biology(日本植物分子生物学会)
Science Council of Japan(日本学術会議)
The Entomological Society of Japan(日本昆虫学会)
The International Association for Ecology (INTECOL) (国際生態学会)
The Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists (JSPP)(日本植物生理学会)
The Ornithological Society of Japan(日本鳥学会)
The Phytopathological Society of Japan(日本植物病理学会)
Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences Hiroshima University(広島大学大学院総合科学研究科 奥田研究室)
Research on the Landscape Level Rehabilitation of the degraded Tropical Forests(荒廃熱帯林のランドスケープレベルでのリハビリテーションに関する研究)
Japan Forest Information Review by Fujiwara Takashi of FFPRI(持続可能な森林経営のための勉強部屋)
Japan National Tourist Organization - Getting around
Japanese Open Yellowpages (JOY)【Closed/サイト閉鎖】
Tourism Malaysia(マレーシア観光局公式ページ)
Sabah Tourism Board(サバ州観光局公式ページ)
Utusan Malaysia[Malay] (Utusan cesed operation on 9 October 2019)
Sin Chew Daily(星洲日報)[Chinese]
Nanyang Press (南洋商報)[Chinese]
Embassy of Japan in Malaysia(在マレーシア日本国大使館)
Job Opportunities for Research Recruitments(研究者人材データベース)
Global Environmental for Networked Intellectual Information (GENii)(学術コンテンツ・ポータル)
English・ 日本語
This web site provides a general searching service for some databases include CiNii, Webcat Plus, KAKEA, and Nii-DBR.
National Institute of Informatics services(国立情報学研究所サービス)
English・ 日本語
This web site shows links to various database serch engine such as NaCSIS-DiRR, NACSIS-ELS, NACSIS-OLJ, NACSIS-CAT, and NACSIS-ILL.
National Diet Library(国立国会図書館 蔵書検索・申込システム)
English・ 日本語
An Online Public Access Catalog(OPAC) of National Diet Library(NDL).
Academic Libraries on the Web(全国大学図書館)
English・ 日本語
The listing of web site maintained by research or academic libraries in Japan.
University of Tsukuba Library (Tulip)(筑波大学附属図書館)
The official web portal of Government of Japan(E-Gov)(電子政府の総合窓口)
The online environmental resources arranged by environmental topics, subtopics, and categories.
Links of FRIM's website
A list of Malaysian local forestry agencies and international forestry related institutions.
Links of JATAN's website(JATANウェブ)