MKH added FxMt data 2016 on the database. (updated 31 January, 2025)
 - TKY added and updated FxMt data from 1998 to 2021 on the database. (updated: 14 March, 2024)
 - JOP added FxMt data from 2014 to 2020 on the database. (updated: 23 Nov., 2023)
 - LHP added FxMt data and Gapfilled data from 2009 to 2019 on the database. (updated: 13 April, 2023)


AsiaFlux now stands in the entrance to a next research phase of integrative and/or inter-comparative studies. AsiaFlux activities are performed under diverse countries, languages and cultures. AsiaFlux will try to combine data from such activities. Coordinated database system is sure to facilitate the multidirectional studies in flux researching communities. Development of an easy-to-use open database system, AsiaFlux Database (AsiaFluxDB) is one of the key activities of AsiaFlux. An effective use of the AsiaFluxDB provides a number of benefits, including: 

•Distinguishing (extract) essential characteristics of material exchanges between individual sites (ecosystems) and the atmosphere,
•Advances in understanding of material circulation in Asian region,
•Contribution to Asian environmental management strategy by extending cooperation with the modeling and remote sensing communities, and
•Efficient upgrading of observation techniques and analysis processes.

All data sets registered in AsiaFluxDB are provided by research group at observation sites in AsiaFlux network. Each data set is acquired and analyzed by data provider, and contents in the data set are copyrighted to the individual data provider unless stated otherwise.

All data sets can be downloaded as long as user agree and abide by AsiaFluxDB Fair-Use Policy. We hope this DB will greatly influence this study field and encourage further education for young researchers. 

AsiaFlux Database and Data Policy Sub-workgroup would like to provide a mutually beneficial database for both data providers and data users and wish your active participation in AsiaFluxDB. Additionally, we wish AsiaFlux Database becomes the entrance for new studies and produces new encounters.

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