Data Set Citation:
When using this data, please cite the data package:
Yuichiro Yashiro 八代裕一郎 .
Methane (CH4) and Nitrous oxside (N2O) flux, TKY site, 2006, Takayama, Japan; メタンおよび亜酸化窒素フラックス観測,TKY(落葉広葉樹林)サイト,2006, 高山(たかやま)
JaLTER-takayama-01.11.1 (
General Information:
Title:Methane (CH4) and Nitrous oxside (N2O) flux, TKY site, 2006, Takayama, Japan; メタンおよび亜酸化窒素フラックス観測,TKY(落葉広葉樹林)サイト,2006, 高山(たかやま)
Methane and Nitrous oxide flux between soil and atmosphere in a broadleaf deciduous forest, mountainous areas. 山岳地における落葉広葉樹林(TKY)からのメタンおよび亜酸化窒素フラックス観測。
  • Methane
  • CH4
  • メタン
  • 亜酸化窒素

Involved Parties

Data Set Owners:
Individual: Yuichiro Yashiro 八代裕一郎
Organization:River Basin Research Center, Gifu University, 岐阜大学流域圏科学研究センター
Data Set Contacts:
Individual: Yuichiro Yashiro 八代裕一郎
Organization:River Basin Research Center, Gifu University, 岐阜大学流域圏科学研究センター
Email Address:

Data Set Characteristics

Time Period:

Sampling, Processing and Quality Control Methods

Step by Step Procedures
Step 1:

Methane and Nitrous oxide flux

Methane and Nitrous oxide flux: Closed chamber method, using gas chromatography (FID and ECD).

Sampling Area And Frequency:
Replication number is 30. CH4 and N2O efflux flux between soil and atmosphere was measured in a broadleaf deciduous forest floor at each season. Ecological plot, AsiaFlux TKY site (137deg25m24sE 36deg8m43sN). Vegetation is an approximately 50 year old secondary deciduous forest, primarily dominated by oak (Quercus crispula Blume) and Birch (Betula ermanii Cham; Betula platyphylla Sukatchev var.japonica Hara). and the understory is dominated by dense evergreen dwarf bamboo (Sasa senanensis (Fr. Et Sav.) Rehder) (Saigusa et al. 2005, Agr. For. Met. 134, 4-16).
Sampling Description:
The CH4 and N2O flux was measured in daytime at each season.

Data Set Usage Rights

Access Control:
Auth System:knb
Metadata download: Ecological Metadata Language (EML) File