Name | PlotNo | Plot | SiteName | Type | Status | Latitude | Longitude | Altitude | Area | Shape | Census | Temp30yr | Rain30yr | Snow30yr | Edge | Forest200 | Forest500 | Xcoord1 | Xcoord2 | Xcoord3 | Xcoord4 | Xcoord5 | Ycoord1 | Ycoord2 | Ycoord3 | Ycoord4 | Ycoord5 |
Column Label |
Definition | Identification number of plot. | Alphanumeric code for plot. | Site name. | Alphabetical code for forest type | Alphabetical code for forest age category | WGS84 latitudinal coordinates | WGS84 longitudinal coordinates | Elevation above mean sea level | Plot area | Shape of plot. | Census year. | Mean of mean annual temperature during 1971 to 2000. | Mean of mean annual precipitation during 1971 to 2000. | Mean of mean annual maximum snow depth during 1971 to 2000. | Distance to the closest non-forest or open habitat. | Ratio of forested area to land area in 200m radiuses. | Ratio of forested area to land area in 500m radiuses. | X coordinates of the center of the 1st subplot in the latest census year. | X coordinates of the center of the 2nd subplot in the latest census year. | X coordinates of the center of the 3rd subplot in the latest census year. | X coordinates of the center of the 4th subplot in the latest census year. | X coordinates of the center of the 5th subplot in the latest census year. | Y coordinates of the center of the 1st subplot in the latest census year. | Y coordinates of the center of the 2nd subplot in the latest census year. | Y coordinates of the center of the 3rd subplot in the latest census year. | Y coordinates of the center of the 4th subplot in the latest census year. | Y coordinates of the center of the 5th subplot in the latest census year. |
Type of Value |
Measurement Type | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | interval | interval | ratio | ratio | nominal | dateTime | interval | ratio | ratio | ratio | ordinal | ordinal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio |
Measurement Domain |
Def | The third and fourth digits are unique to each site and the fifth and sixth digits are plot numbers in each site. |
Def | Alphanumeric code for plot. |
Unit | degree |
Precision | 0.01 |
Type | real |
Unit | degree |
Precision | 0.01 |
Type | real |
Unit | meter |
Precision | 5.0 |
Type | natural |
Unit | hectare |
Precision | 0.01 |
Type | real |
Def | (Length of one side) X (length of another side) [meter] |
Unit | celsius |
Precision | 0.1 |
Type | real |
Unit | millimeterPerYear |
Precision | 0.1 |
Type | real |
Unit | meter |
Precision | 0.01 |
Type | real |
Unit | meter |
Precision | 50.0 |
Type | natural |
Unit | meter |
Precision | 1.0 |
Type | integer |
Unit | meter |
Precision | 1.0 |
Type | integer |
Unit | meter |
Precision | 1.0 |
Type | integer |
Unit | meter |
Precision | 1.0 |
Type | integer |
Unit | meter |
Precision | 1.0 |
Type | integer |
Unit | meter |
Precision | 1.0 |
Type | integer |
Unit | meter |
Precision | 1.0 |
Type | integer |
Unit | meter |
Precision | 1.0 |
Type | integer |
Unit | meter |
Precision | 1.0 |
Type | integer |
Unit | meter |
Precision | 1.0 |
Type | integer |
Missing Value Code |
Code | NA |
Expl | Missing values |
Code | NA |
Expl | Missing values |
Code | NA |
Expl | Missing values |
Code | NA |
Expl | Missing values |
Code | NA |
Expl | Missing values |
Code | NA |
Expl | Missing values |
Code | NA |
Expl | Missing values |
Code | NA |
Expl | Missing values |
Code | NA |
Expl | Missing values |
Code | NA |
Expl | Missing values |
Accuracy Report |
Accuracy Assessment |
Coverage |
Method |