Name | SampleID | SampleType | VegType | VegID | LysimeterID | Date | NO3 | δ15N | δ18O | Δ17O | Water |
Column Label | Identifier of sample
| Sample type
| Vegetation type
| Identifier of tree or canopy gap
| Identifier of lysimeter
| Sampling date
| Nitrate concentration
| Isotopic ratio of nitrogen
| Isotopic ratio of oxygen
| 17O anomaly
| Water volume
Definition | Combination of SampleType, VegType, VegID, and LysimeterID | BD: Bulk deposition; TF: Throughfall; FF: Forest floor leachate; SW: Soil water at 10 cm depth | B: oak; C: spruce; S: Sasa in canopy gap | Identifier of tree or canopy gap | Identifier of lysimeter | Sampling date | Nitrate concentration | Isotopic ratio of nitrogen | Isotopic ratio of oxygen | 17O anomaly | Water volume |
Type of Value |
Measurement Type | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | dateTime | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio |
Measurement Domain |
Unit | milligramsPerLiter |
Precision | 0.001 |
Type | real |
Unit | permil |
Precision | 0.1 |
Type | real |
Unit | permil |
Precision | 0.1 |
Type | real |
Unit | permil |
Precision | 0.1 |
Type | real |
Unit | millimeter |
Precision | 0.1 |
Type | real |
Missing Value Code |
Accuracy Report |
Accuracy Assessment |
Coverage |
Method |