Definition | Code indication specific site / 調査サイトのコード
開始年の西暦下2桁+研究林番号1桁+観察林番号3桁=6桁 | ID of the tree individual / 観察個体のID | Code indication specific tree species / 観察個体の樹種コード | Scientific name of the individual / 観察個体の学名 | Survival or death of the individual
1=survival 2=death / 観察個体の生存または死亡
1=生存 2=死亡 | Diameter at breast height (1.3m from the ground) of the individual / 観察個体の測定高1.3mの胸高直径 | Shortage of wood of the targeted trees was measured. Description of wood damage: broken, fallen, fungal-damaged, insect-damaged, frost crack, bent, bifurcated, unavailable (as timber). / 測定対象木を木材として利用した場合の欠点を記録した。記載内容:折れ、倒れ、菌害木(きんがいぼく)、虫害木(ちゅうがいぼく)、凍裂木(とうれつぼく)、曲がり、二叉(ふたまた)、採材不能(さいざいふのう。木材として使用不可能)。 | Grade of tree quality was classified into four categories (after the 'Soviet' classification) for trees in broadleaved forests or in mixed forests. Code indications. 1: overstory tree with good wood quality, 2: understory tree, which is expectable to grow a good overstory tree, 3a: a tree which interrupt a better tree, 3b: a tree with unstraight stem or with a sign of death, decay or weakening. / 「樹形級」は広葉樹林及び針広混交林に適用し、樹木を以下の4つに区分する(ソビエト式樹形級区分に準拠)。1級:優勢木、2級: 下層木(将来優勢木になる可能性を持つ優良木)、3a:あばれ木(1級・2級の樹木の生長を、直接阻害する樹木)、3b:幹形不良木・傾斜木. | Code indication grade of wood quality, applied for coniferous forests
1.overstory trees with good wood quality
2.overstory trees with unstraight stem or a sign of death, decay or weakening, or those interrupt a better tree.
3.understory trees, which is expectable to continue good growth.
4.suppressed understory trees.
5.understory trees with unstraight stem or a sign of death, decay or weakening. / 針葉樹林に適用される木材品質コード。
1: 上層の優良木
2: あばれ木、被害木等
3: 下層木の良木
4: 被圧木
5: 生育衰退木等 | Special instructions for the individual / その他、特記事項 |