Column Label | ID of the plot / 観察林番号
| ID of the census / 調査回数番号
| ID of tree individual / データ番号
| ID of tree individual / データ番号
| Species code / 樹種コード
| Species name / 樹種名
| Survival / 生枯
| Diameter at breast height / 胸高直径
| Girth at breast height / 胸高周囲長
| Height / 樹高
| Crown width 1 / 樹冠幅0
| Crown width 2 / 樹冠幅3
| Crown width 3 / 樹冠幅6
| Crown width 4 / 樹冠幅9
| Volume / 材積
| ID of the nearest neighbor / 付近番号
| Notes / 備考
| Census date / 調査年月日
Definition | Code indication specific site / 調査サイトのコード
開始年の西暦下2桁+研究林番号1桁+観察林番号3桁=6桁 | ID of the census / 調査回数番号 | ID of the tree individual / 観察個体のID | ID of the tree individual / 観察個体のID | Code indication specific tree species / 観察個体の樹種コード | Scientific name of the individual / 観察個体の学名 | Survival or death of the individual
1=survival 2=death / 観察個体の生存または死亡
1=生存 2=死亡 | Diameter at breast height (1.3m from the ground) of the individual / 観察個体の測定高1.3mの胸高直径 | Girth at breast height (1.3m from the ground) of the individual / 観察個体の測定高1.3mの胸高周囲長 | Height of the individual / 観察個体の高さ | Crown width 2; to the 0-degree direction from the base. measured with a tape to an accuracy of 0.1 meter. / 0度方向へ測定 | Crown width 2; to the 90-degree direction from the base. measured with a tape to an accuracy of 0.1 meter. / 90度方向へ測定 | Crown width 3; to the 180-degree direction from the base. measured with a tape to an accuracy of 0.1 meter. / 180度方向に測定 | Crown width 4; to the 270-degree direction from the base. measured with a tape to an accuracy of 0.1 meter. / 270度方向に測定 | Volume estimation of the individual / 観察個体の材積 | ID of the nearest neighbor / 付近番号 | Special instructions for the individual / その他、特記事項 | Census date / 調査年月日 |
Measurement Domain |
Unit | centimeter |
Precision | 0.1 |
Type | real |
Unit | centimeter |
Precision | 0.1 |
Type | real |
Unit | meter |
Precision | 0.1 |
Type | real |
Unit | meter |
Precision | 0.1 |
Type | real |
Unit | meter |
Precision | 0.1 |
Type | real |
Unit | meter |
Precision | 0.1 |
Type | real |
Unit | meter |
Precision | 0.1 |
Type | real |
Unit | cubicMeter |
Precision | 0.001 |
Type | real |