Name | site / site | plotname / plotname | totalmass / totalmass | IN / IN | FRB / FRB | Bss / Bss | Btr / Btr | FRP / FRP | Pss / Pss | Ptr / Ptr | FRT / FRT | Tss / Tss | Ttr / Ttr | mass / mass | tree / tree | BA / BA | canopy / canopy | FHthick / FHthick | water / water | pH / pH | CN / CN | Ccon / Ccon | Ncon / Ncon | nitrate / nitrate | ammonium / ammonium | temp / temp | sasa / sasa | sasamass / sasamass |
Column Label | Stand type / 林分タイプ
| Plot name / プロット名
| total aboveground biomass / 地上部バイオマス合計
| Soil inorganic nitrogen content / 土壌中の無機窒素量
| fine root biomass / 細根バイオマス
| Fine root biomass of Sasa / ササ細根バイオマス
| Fine root biomass of trees / 樹木細根バイオマス
| Fine root production / 細根生産量
| Fine root production of Sasa / ササ細根生産量
| Fine root production of trees / 樹木の細根生産量
| Fine root turnover rate / 細根ターンオーバー
| Fine root turnover rate of Sasa / ササの細根ターンオーバー
| Fine root turnover rate of trees / 樹木の細根ターンオーバー
| tree aboveground biomass / 樹木地上部バイオマス
| tree density / 立木密度
| Sum of basal area in the stand / 胸高断面積合計
| Canopy openness / 開空率
| Thickness of Oe/Oa layer / Oe/Oa層厚さ
| Soil water content / 土壌水分率
| Soil pH / 土壌pH
| Soil C/N ratio / 土壌C/N比
| Soil total carbon content / 土壌総炭素含有率
| Soil total nitrogen content / 土壌総窒素含有率
| Soil nitrate content / 土壌中の硝酸態窒素量
| Soil ammonium content / 土壌中のアンモニウム態窒素量
| Soil temperature / 地温
| Sasa culm density / ササ稈密度
| Sasa aboveground biomass / ササ地上部バイオマス
Definition | Stand type of the sampling point / 採取地点の林分タイプ | Plot name of the sampling point / 採取地点のプロット名 | Sum of trees and Sasa abobeground biomass (g m-2). / 樹木とササの地上部バイオマスの合計 (g m-2). | Sum of ammonium and nitrate contents (mgN per kg dry soil). / アンモニウム態窒素量と硝酸態窒素量の合計 (mgN per kg dry soil). | Sum of trees and Sasa and Oe/Oa and soil layers. / 樹木とササのOe/Oa層と土壌層の細根バイオマス合計. | Fine root biomass of Sasa / ササ細根バイオマス | Fine root biomass of trees / 樹木細根バイオマス | Sum of trees and Sasa and Oe/Oa and soil layers (g m-2 period-1). / 樹木とササのOe/Oa層と土壌層の細根バイオマス合計 (g m-2 period-1) | Unit is g m-2 period-1. / 単位は,g m-2 period-1. | Unit is g m-2 period-1. / 単位は,g m-2 period-1. | Fine root turnover rate of total including trees and Sasa. Unit is yr-1. / 樹木とササを含む全体の細根ターンオーバー.単位はyr-1. | Unit is yr-1. / 単位はyr-1. | Unit is yr-1. / 単位はyr-1. | tree aboveground biomass / 樹木地上部バイオマス | tree density / 立木密度 | Sum of basal area in the stand / 胸高断面積合計 | Canopy openness / 開空率 | Thickness of Oe/Oa layer / Oe/Oa層厚さ | Soil water content / 土壌水分率 | Soil pH / 土壌pH | Soil C/N ratio / 土壌C/N比 | Soil total carbon content / 土壌総炭素含有率 | Soil total nitrogen content / 土壌総窒素含有率 | Unit is mgN per kg dry soil. / 単位は,mgN per kg dry soil. | Unit is mgN per kg dry soil. / 単位は,mgN per kg dry soil. | Soil temperature / 地温 | Sasa culm density / ササ稈密度 | Sasa aboveground biomass / ササ地上部バイオマス |
Type of Value |
Measurement Type | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | interval | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | interval | ratio | ratio |
Measurement Domain |
Unit | gramsPerSquareMeter |
Precision | 0.01 |
Type | real |
Unit | milligramsPerKilogram |
Precision | 0.01 |
Type | real |
Unit | gramsPerSquareMeter |
Precision | 0.01 |
Type | real |
Unit | gramsPerSquareMeter |
Precision | 0.01 |
Type | real |
Unit | gramsPerSquareMeter |
Precision | 0.01 |
Type | real |
Unit | gramsPerSquareMeter |
Precision | 0.01 |
Type | real |
Unit | gramsPerSquareMeter |
Precision | 0.01 |
Type | real |
Unit | gramsPerSquareMeter |
Precision | 0.01 |
Type | real |
Unit | dimensionless |
Precision | 0.01 |
Type | real |
Unit | dimensionless |
Precision | 0.01 |
Type | real |
Unit | dimensionless |
Precision | 0.01 |
Type | real |
Unit | gramsPerSquareMeter |
Precision | 0.01 |
Type | real |
Unit | numberPerHectare |
Precision | 0.01 |
Type | real |
Unit | squareMeter |
Precision | 0.01 |
Type | real |
Unit | percent |
Precision | 0.01 |
Type | real |
Unit | centimeter |
Precision | 0.01 |
Type | real |
Unit | percent |
Precision | 0.01 |
Type | real |
Unit | dimensionless |
Precision | 0.01 |
Type | real |
Unit | percent |
Precision | 0.01 |
Type | real |
Unit | percent |
Precision | 0.01 |
Type | real |
Unit | percent |
Precision | 0.01 |
Type | real |
Unit | milligramsPerKilogram |
Precision | 0.01 |
Type | real |
Unit | milligramsPerKilogram |
Precision | 0.01 |
Type | real |
Unit | celsius |
Precision | 0.01 |
Type | real |
Unit | numberPerMeterSquared |
Precision | 0.01 |
Type | real |
Unit | gramsPerSquareMeter |
Precision | 0.01 |
Type | real |
Missing Value Code |
Code | NA |
Expl | Not Available / データなし |
Accuracy Report |
Accuracy Assessment |
Coverage |
Method |