fecal pellet group count / 糞塊法
"To estimate the deer population density, we censused
fecal pellet groups of deer in winter.
We therefore set 26 belt transects (50 x 4 m) linearly north to south randomly. All transects were separated by more than 150 m.
Firstly, we cleared all fecal pellet groups from each transect.
After about one month, we counted fecal pellet
groups that had accumulated in each transect.
Sika deer can defecate while walking and feeding, so that pellet groups are sometimes relatively dispersed. We therefore defined one fecal pellet group as containing ten or more individual pellets and being separated from all other individual pellets by at least 100 cm.
Fecal accumulation rate was calculated by dividing No. pellet group by days between clearing and counting as a index of deer density.
c.f. Koda et al. (2011) A proposal of the method of deer density estimate without fecal decomposition rate: a case study of fecal accumulation rate technique in Japan. Ecological Research 26:227-231."
参照: Koda et al. (2011)A proposal of the method of deer density estimate without fecal decomposition rate: a case study of fecal accumulation rate technique in Japan. Ecological Research 26:227-231."