Data Set Citation:
When using this data, please cite the data package:
Takamura N and Nakagawa M.
Photosynthesis and primary production in Lake Kasumigaura (Japan) monitored mont hly since 1981
ERDP-2016-01.2.4 (
General Information:
Title:Photosynthesis and primary production in Lake Kasumigaura (Japan) monitored mont hly since 1981
This study reports the primary production of phytoplankton determined with a 13C tracer, and their related variables, in Lake Kasumigaura, a shallow, hyper-eutrophic lake, and the second largest lake in Japan. Measurements were conducted monthly from August 1981 to March 2015 at four stations within the lake. Monitoring was a component of the Lake Kasumigaura Long-term Environmental Monitoring program, conducted by the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) since 1977. The program collects data on water quality, and plankton and benthic communities. Lake Kasumigaura is registered as a core site of the Japan Long-term Ecological Research Network (JaLTER), which is a member of the International Long-term Ecological Research Network (ILTER). This dataset includes daily primary production Pzd: gC m-2 d-1) and the six parameters required to calculate Pzd: maximum photosynthesis rate (Pmax : gC gC-1 h-1); light irradiance at the junction of the initial slope (α: (gC gC-1 h-1)(μmol photon m-2 s-1)-1) and Pmax of the photosynthesis vs. irradiance (P vs. E) curve (Ek: μmol photon m-2 s-1); attenuation coefficient of photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) (KPAR: m-1); water depth at each sampling station (Zb, m); dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC: mgC L-1) and particulate organic carbon concentrations (POC: gC m-3); and chlorophyll a amounts (Chl.a: μg L-1). Daily primary production was calculated by obtaining a P vs. E curve over a short-term incubation (approximately 1 h) ina water tank using in situ water temperature in the laboratory, based on the field conditions of the sampling date. The dataset has been used for ecological studies as well as for management studies on water quality and ecosystems. This dataset is unique among the available published papers concerning lakes or primary production in various ecosystems, collected over a long period of time and freely available.
  • phytoplankton
  • chlorophyll a
  • carbon fixation with 13C
  • primary production
  • photosynthesis vs. irradiance (P vs. E) curve
  • maximum photosynthesis rate
  • shallow and eutrophic lake
  • Lake Kasumigaura
  • long-term monitoring
  • ecosystem function
Data Table, Image, and Other Data Details:
Metadata download: Ecological Metadata Language (EML) File
Data Table:primary_production ( View Metadata | Download File download)

Involved Parties

Data Set Owners:
Individual: Noriko Takamura
Organization:National Institute for Environmental Studies
Onogawa 16-2,
Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8506 Japan
+81-298-50-2471 (voice)
+81-298-50-2577 (fax)
Email Address:
Individual: Megumi Nakagawa
Organization:National Institute for Environmental Studies
Onogawa 16-2,
Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8506 Japan
Data Set Contacts:
Individual: Noriko Takamura
Organization:Centre for Environmental Biology and Ecosystem Studies, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Onogawa 16-2,
Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8506 Japan
+81-298-50-2471 (voice)
Email Address:
Individual: Megumi Nakagawa
Organization:Centre for Environmental Biology and Ecosystem Studies, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Onogawa 16-2,
Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8506 Japan
+81-298-50-2471 (voice)
Email Address:

Data Set Characteristics

Geographic Region:
Geographic Description:Station 3
Bounding Coordinates:
West:  140.377533  degrees
East:  140.377533  degrees
North:  36.1217  degrees
South:  36.1217  degrees
Geographic Region:
Geographic Description:Station 7
Bounding Coordinates:
West:  140.233217  degrees
East:  140.233217  degrees
North:  36.065033  degrees
South:  36.065033  degrees
Geographic Region:
Geographic Description:Station 9
Bounding Coordinates:
West:  140.4037  degrees
East:  140.4037  degrees
North:  36.0357  degrees
South:  36.0357  degrees
Geographic Region:
Geographic Description:Station 12
Bounding Coordinates:
West:  140.4722  degrees
East:  140.4722  degrees
North:  35.97655  degrees
South:  35.97655  degrees
Time Period:

Sampling, Processing and Quality Control Methods

Step by Step Procedures
Step 1:

The detailed information about methods can be seen on

Data Set Usage Rights

1) Acceptable use. The dataset should not be used for illegal purposes or to violate the rights of others. The use of the dataset will be restricted to academic, research, educational, governmental, or other not-for-profit professional purposes. Data users need to agree to the terms of use for NIES Lake Kasumigaura Database ( Please make sure to contact the data manager of Lake Kasumigaura Database by email ( before using the dataset. 2) Citation. Data users should properly cite this research paper in any publications or in the metadata of any derived data products that were produced using the dataset. Because the dataset will be updated and measuring methods will be modified as the techniques continue to develop, please verify that the latest version of the dataset is used. 3) Acknowledgement. To support this long-term monitoring activity, data users should write acknowledgements in any publications that include the dataset as follows: “Data for XXX were provided by the Lake Kasumigaura Long-term Environmental Monitoring program of the National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan.” 4) Notification. Data users should notify the dataset contact person when any derivative work or publication based on or derived from the dataset is distributed. Please provide the dataset contact person with two reprints or a PDF file of any publications resulting from the use of the dataset. 5) Collaboration. Data users are strongly encouraged to consider consultation, collaboration and/or co-authorship with the data owners. 6) Disclaimer. In no event shall the authors, data owners, or National Institute for Environmental Studies be liable for a loss of profits or any indirect, incidental damages arising from the use or interpretation of the data.
Access Control:
Auth System:JaLTER
Allow: [read] public
Additional Metadata
Metadata download: Ecological Metadata Language (EML) File