Data Set Citation:
When using this data, please cite the data package:
Laboratory od Remote Sensing and GIS人間活動情報研究分野 .
Carbon storage in broadleaf deciduous forest ecosystem(TKY site), AsiaFlux TKY site, 2000-2002, Takayama, Japan落葉広葉樹林生態系の炭素貯留量,アジアフラックスTKYサイト,2000-2002,高山(たかやま)
JaLTER-takayama-01.5.3 (
General Information:
Title:Carbon storage in broadleaf deciduous forest ecosystem(TKY site), AsiaFlux TKY site, 2000-2002, Takayama, Japan落葉広葉樹林生態系の炭素貯留量,アジアフラックスTKYサイト,2000-2002,高山(たかやま)
Ecosystem carbon storage in broadleaf deciduous forest ecosystem, 7 components of above- and below-ground parts were measured, AsiaFlux TKY site, Japan. Carbon storage was measured in 1 ha TKY site devided 100 of 10mx10m subplots.アジアフラックスTKYサイト(落葉広葉樹林)の1 haを100区の10mx10mプロットに区切り、7構成要素に分けてそれぞれの炭素量を推定。
  • AsiaFlux TKY
  • Carbon storage
  • Tree
  • Floor vegetation
  • Standing dead materials
  • Plant litter
  • Coarse woody debris
  • Root systems
  • Mineral soil
  • 炭素貯留
  • 樹木
  • 下層植生
  • 立ち枯れ
  • 植物遺体
  • 粗大木質破片
  • 根茎
  • 無機土壌

Involved Parties

Data Set Owners:
Individual: Laboratory od Remote Sensing and GIS人間活動情報研究分野
Organization:River Basin Research Center, Gifu University岐阜大学流域圏科学研究センター
Yanagido, Gifu-shi, Gifu 501-1193 Japan岐阜県岐阜市柳戸1-1,
Data Set Contacts:
Individual: Awaya Yoshio粟屋善雄
Email Address:
awaya (at)

Data Set Characteristics

Time Period:

Sampling, Processing and Quality Control Methods

Step by Step Procedures
Step 1:

Ecosystem carbon storage in broadleaf deciduous forest ecosystem

Converted biomass to carbon storage, Above and below tree organs and standing dead phytomass:tree census and DVH, Biomass of floor vegetation:estimated from spectral reflectance, Mass of plant litter and woody debris;direct measurement in 100 subplots, Mineral soil;chemical analysis.


Instrument(s): Sampled from each hundred of 10mx10m subplots for each 7 components.
Instrument(s): 100区の10mx10mプロットそれぞれについて,土壌を除く6項目の乾物重を計測して炭素量に換算、土壌無機炭素は化学分析。
Sampling Area And Frequency:
100m x 100m Ecological plot, AsiaFlux TKY site (137deg25m24sE 36deg8m43sN). Vegetation is an approximately 50 year old secondary deciduous forest, primarily dominated by oak (Quercus crispula Blume) and Birch (Betula ermanii Cham; Betula platyphylla Sukatchev var.japonica Hara). and the understory is dominated by dense evergreen dwarf bamboo (Sasa senanensis (Fr. Et Sav.) Rehder) (Saigusa et al. 2005, Agr. For. Met. 134, 4-16).
Sampling Description:
Sampled from each hundred of 10mx10m subplots for each 7 components. 100区の10mx10mプロットそれぞれについて,土壌を除く6項目の乾物重を計測して炭素量に換算、土壌無機炭素は化学分析。

Data Set Usage Rights

Access Control:
Auth System:knb
Metadata download: Ecological Metadata Language (EML) File