Data Set Citation:
When using this data, please cite the data package:
Kondo H and Saigusa N.
Takayama deciduous broadleaf foret Flux Monitoring Data (AsiaFlux TKY site, 1993-present) 高山落葉広葉樹林フラックス観測データ
JaLTER-takayama-01.32.4 (
General Information:
Title:Takayama deciduous broadleaf foret Flux Monitoring Data (AsiaFlux TKY site, 1993-present) 高山落葉広葉樹林フラックス観測データ
Site Name (AsiaFlux Site Code): Takayama deciduous broadleaf forest site (TKY). Location: Takayama, Gifu, Japan. Position: 36º 08' 46.2" N, 137º 25' 23.2" E (WGS84). Elevation: 1420 m above sea level (WGS84). Slope: 5-15º. Terrain Type: Complex terrain. Area: 50,000 m2. Fetch: 300~1000 m (depending on wind direction). Climate: Cool temperate (Snow - fully humid - warm summer (Dfb)) . Mean annual air temperature: 6.5 ºC (mean of 1994-2005 at the flux tower). Mean annual precipitation: 2275 mm (mean of 1980-2002, data from the Takayama Research Station of IBES, ca. 500 m south of the flux tower). Vegetation Type Cool temperate deciduous forest. Dominant Species (Overstory): Birch (Betula), Deciduous oak (Quercus crispula Blume). Dominant Species (Understory): Bamboo grass (Sasa senanensis (Franch. et Sav.) Rehd.). Canopy height: 15-20 m. Age: About 50 years. LAI: Trees (3.5 m2 m-2 from June to September), bamboo bush (about 2 m2 m-2). Soil type: Brown forest soil (Dystric Cambisol) .
  • flux
  • CO2
  • carbon dioxide
  • water
  • heat
  • eddy covariance method
  • micrometeorology
  • flux tower
  • AsiaFlux
  • JapanFlux
  • フラックス
  • 二酸化炭素
  • 渦相関法
  • フラックスタワー
  • アジアフラックス
  • ジャパンフラックス
  • Takayama deciduous

Involved Parties

Data Set Owners:
Individual:Dr. Hiroaki Kondo
Organization:National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
16-1, Onogawa,
Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8569 Japan
+ 81-29-861-8305 (voice)
+ 81-29-861-8358 (fax)
Email Address:
Individual:Dr. Nobuko Saigusa
Organization:Organization: National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES)
16-2, Onogawa,
Tsukuba, Ibarak 305-8506 Japan
+ 81-29-850-2517 (voice)
+ 81-29- 858-2645 (fax)
Email Address:
n.saigusa (at)
Data Set Contacts:
Individual:Dr. Hiroaki Kondo
Organization:National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
16-1, Onogawa,
Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8569 Japan
+ 81-29-861-8305 (voice)
+ 81-29-861-8358 (fax)
Email Address:
Individual:Dr. Nobuko Saigusa
Organization:Organization: National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES)
16-2, Onogawa,
Tsukuba, Ibarak 305-8506 Japan
+ 81-29-850-2517 (voice)
+ 81-29- 858-2645 (fax)
Email Address:
n.saigusa (at)

Data Set Characteristics

Geographic Region:
Geographic Description:Takayama AsiaFlux TKY site
Bounding Coordinates:
West:  137.4231  degrees
East:  137.4231  degrees
North:  36.14617  degrees
South:  36.14617  degrees
Time Period:

Sampling, Processing and Quality Control Methods

Step by Step Procedures
Step 1:

Meteorology 気象観測

Meteorological monitoring items and instruments 気象観測項目と機器

Observation items: Levels / Depth

Global solar radiation (incoming): 25.5 m

Global solar radiation (outgoing): 25.5 m

Long-wave radiation (incoming): 25.5 m

Long-wave radiation (outgoing): 25.5 m

Net radiation: 24.5 - 25.5 m

PPFD (incoming): 19.5, 2.0 m

PPFD (outgoing): 19.5 m

Direct/diffuse radiation: -

Direct/diffuse PPFD: -

Air temperature: 25, 18, 10 m

Humidity: 25, 18, 10 m

Soil temperature: 1,10,20,50 cm

Soil heat flux: 2 cm

Soil water content: 15, 40 cm

Wind speed: 25, 10 m

Wind direction: 25, 10 m

Barometric pressure: 1.5 m


CO2 concentration: 27, 18, 8.8, 5.8, 2, 1.3 m

Instrument(s): Observation items: Instrument
Instrument(s): Global solar radiation (incoming):Net radiometer, MR-50, EKO
Instrument(s): Global solar radiation (outgoing):Net radiometer, MR-50, EKO
Instrument(s): Long-wave radiation (incoming):Net radiometer, MR-50, EKO
Instrument(s): Long-wave radiation (outgoing):Net radiometer, MR-50, EKO
Instrument(s): Net radiation Albedo meter: MR21, EKO and Infrared radiometer, MS201, EKO
Instrument(s): PPFD (incoming):Quantum sensor, IKS27, Koito
Instrument(s): PPFD (outgoing):Quantum sensor, IKS27, Koito
Instrument(s): Direct/diffuse radiation: -
Instrument(s): Direct/diffuse PPFD: -
Instrument(s): Air temperature: Platinum resistance thermometer, HMP233, Vaisala
Instrument(s): Humidity: Humicap hygrometer, HMP233, Vaisala
Instrument(s): Soil temperature: Platinum resistance thermometer, MT-010S, EKO
Instrument(s): Soil heat flux: Soil heat flux plate, MF81, EKO
Instrument(s): Soil water content: TDR soil water content sensor, CS615, Campbell. It is calibrated occasionally by oven drying of soil samples
Instrument(s): Wind speed: Combined wind vane and fan anemometer, MA-110, EKO
Instrument(s): Wind direction: Combined wind vane and fan anemometer, MA-110, EKO
Instrument(s): Barometric pressure: Barometer, 1332A-10, Rosemount
Instrument(s): Precipitation: None at the site, but obtained from nearby stations
Instrument(s): CO2 concentration: Non dispersive infrared gas analyzer, LI-6252, LI-COR
Step 2:

Eddy correlation method 渦相関法

Eddy correlation method instruments渦相関法によるフラックス測定のための計測項目と機器

System: Closed-path system

Measurement height: 25 m

Sampling frequency: 5 Hz

Averaging time: 30 min

Data logger: CR3000, Campbell Scientific, USA

Data storage: Compact Flash Memory

Original data (Raw data or statistics): Raw data

Instrument(s): Wind speed: Three-dimensional sonic anemometer-thermometer (DA600-3TV (Probe TR-61A), KAIJO)
Instrument(s): Air temperature: Three-dimensional sonic anemometer-thermometer (DA600-3TV (Probe TR-61A), KAIJO)
Instrument(s): Water Vapor: Closed-path CO2/H2O analyzers (LI-6262, LI-COR)
Instrument(s): CO2: Closed-path CO2/H2O analyzers (LI-6262, LI-COR)
Step 3:

Other その他の計測項目と使用機器

Other monitoring items and instruments その他の計測項目と使用機器

Instrument(s): Soil respiration Continuous measurement: (1994-2005) Open-flow Chamber System (OF);
Instrument(s): (2005-present) Automated Chamber System (AOCC)
Instrument(s): Periodical measurements: LI-6400, Closed-chamber method
Instrument(s): Photosynthesis Periodical measurements for canopy and shrub tree species, and dwarf bamboo grass in understory (A-Ci curve by LI-6400)
Instrument(s): Ecological Investigation Individual tree biomass by DBH measurement once per year
Instrument(s): Litter fall measurements (14 x 1m2)
Instrument(s): Fine root biomass and growth by mini-rhizotron
Instrument(s): LAI Obtained from Plant Canopy Analyzer on an occasional basis, while calculated on a continuous basis from the attenuation of PAR
Instrument(s): Air sampling CO2 concentration and its carbon and oxygen isotopic ratios.

Data Set Usage Rights

Data Availability: 2002, 2003 and 2004 on AsiaFlux Database. Data policy: Please refer to the AsiaFlux web site (URL:
Access Control:
Auth System:knb
Metadata download: Ecological Metadata Language (EML) File