全体的な情報: |
タイトル: | Hokkaido Kita Site Teshio Experimental Forest CC-LaG (TSE) CO2 Flux Monitoring Data 北海道北 天塩研究林 CC-LaG CO2フラックス観測データ |
識別子: | JaLTER-Hokkaido-kita-99.3.7 |
要旨: |
CO2 flux data obtained from flux tower monitoring at CC-LaG (TSE) site in Teshio Experimental Forest in Hokkaido. /
Original metadata and data are available for downloading from AsiaFlux Database. For downlding data, AsiaFlux membership registration is required. AsiaFlux membership can be applied for free. /
天塩研究林のCC-LaG (TSE)サイトにおけるCO2フラックス観測データ。 /
オリジナルのメタデータおよびデータ本体はAsiaFlux Databaseからダウンロード可能。データをダウンロードするためにはAsiaFluxのメンバー登録が必要です。メンバー登録は無料です。 /
サイト情報 /
Hour line (Time difference from UTC): Japan standard time (JST) (9 hours ahead of UTC) . /
Vegetation Type: Conifer-Hardwood mixed forest. Dominant Species (Overstory): Quercus crispula, Betula ermanii, Betula platyphylla var. japonica, Abies sachalinensis, Picea jezoensis. /
Dominant Species (Understory): Sasa senanensis, Sasa kurilensis. /
Canopy height: 18―25 m. LAI: 3 and 4―4.5 in a full-growing period for canopy and Sasa layer, respectively
キーワード: |
- Teshio
- flux
- CO2
- water
- heat
- flux tower
- eddy covariance
- AsiaFlux
- JapanFlux
- 天塩研究林
- 北海道
- 二酸化炭素
- 水
- 熱
- フラックスタワー
- 渦相関法
- アジアフラックス
- ジャパンフラックス
データセットの所有者: |
個人: | Dr. Kentaro Takagi |
組織/団体: | Teshio Experimental Forest, Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere Hokkaido University |
役職: | Associate Professor |
住所: |
Toikanbetsu, |
Horonobe, |
Hokkaido Japan |
個人: | Dr. Nobuko Saigusa |
組織/団体: | Center for Global Environmental Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies |
役職: | Chief |
住所: |
Onogawa16-2, |
Tsukuba, Ibaragi 305-0056 Japan |
データセットの連絡先: |
個人: | Dr. Kentaro Takagi |
組織/団体: | Teshio Experimental Forest, Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere Hokkaido University |
役職: | Associate Professor |
住所: |
Toikanbetsu, |
Horonobe, |
Hokkaido Japan |
個人: | Dr. Nobuko Saigusa |
組織/団体: | Center for Global Environmental Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies |
役職: | Chief |
住所: |
Onogawa16-2, |
Tsukuba, Ibaragi 305-0056 Japan |
地理的領域: |
地理的説明: | CC-LaG Flux (TSE) Site |
西: | 142.1 度
東: | 142.1 度
北: | 45.05 度
南: | 45.05 度
手順 1: |
Meteorology 気象観測
Meteorology Monitoring 気象観測機器
Observation items: Levels / Depth (from Nov. 2002)
Global radiation (downward): 32 m
Shortwave radiation (downward): 32, 3 m
Shortwave radiation (upward): 32, 3 m
Longwave radiation (downward): 32, 3 m
Longwave radiation (upward): 32, 3 m
Net radiation: 32, 3 m
PAR (downward): 32, 3 m
PAR (upward): N.A.
Direct/diffuse radiation: N.A.
Direct/diffuse PPFD: N.A.
Air temperature: 32, 25, 21, 15, 10, 6, 4, 2 m
Humidity: 32, 25, 21, 15, 10, 6, 4, 2 m
Soil temperature: -1, -5, -10, -20, -40, -80, -120 cm (×1 profile), -1, -5, -10 cm (×4 profiles)
Soil heat flux: -2 cm×5 points
Soil moisture: -5, -10, -30, -60 cm (×1 profile), -5, -10 cm (×4 profiles)
Wind speed: 32, 25, 21, 15, 10, 6, 4 m
Wind direction: 32 m
Atmospheric pressure: 2 m
Precipitation: 3 m
Snow depth Setting height: ca.: 4m
| Observation items Instrument |
| Global radiation (downward) Thermopile type pyranometer (Kipp & Zonen, CM-21F) |
| Shortwave radiation (downward) Net radiometer (Kipp & Zonen, CNR-1) |
| Shortwave radiation (upward) Net radiometer (Kipp & Zonen, CNR-1) |
| Longwave radiation (downward) Thermopile type infrared radiometer (EPPLEY, PIR only at 32m), Net radiometer (Kipp & Zonen, CNR-1) |
| Longwave radiation (upward) Net radiometer (Kipp & Zonen, CNR-1) |
| Net radiation Net radiometer (Kipp & Zonen, CNR-1) |
| PAR (downward) Quantum sensor (LI-COR, LI-190SZ) |
| PAR (upward) N.A. |
| Direct/diffuse radiation N.A. |
| Direct/diffuse PPFD N.A. |
| Air temperature Ventilated platinum resistance thermometer (VAISALA, HMP45D) |
| Humidity Ventilated HUMICAP hygrometer (VAISALA, HMP45D) |
| Soil temperature Platinum resistance thermometer, (CLIMATEC, C-PTWP) |
| Soil heat flux Heat flow transducer (REBS, HFT-1.1) |
| Soil moisture Water content reflectometer (CSI, CS615) |
| Wind speed Photo-electric cup anemometer (MetOne, 010C) |
| Wind direction Photo-electric wind vane (MetOne, 020C) |
| Atmospheric pressure BAROCAP barometer (VAISALA, PTB210-C6C5A) |
| Precipitation 0.1 mm-pulse tipping-bucket rain gauge with heater (RM Young, CYG-52202) |
| Snow depth Sonic ranging sensor (CSI, SR50) |
手順 2: |
Flux Observation フラックス観測
Type of sonic anemometer: Sonic anemometer-thermometer (KAIJO, DA600-3TV, TR-61C), Sensor span: 20 cm
Type of IRGA: [Closed-path method] NDIR-gas analyzer(LI-COR, LI-7000),Distance between gas inlet and NDIR: 6m,
Height of gas inlet: 32 m, ca. 10 m above canopy surface, Distance between gas inlet and anemometer: 15 cm.
Sampling rate: 10Hz
Averaging time: 27min 20s
Flux measurement height #1: 32m
Flux measurement height #2: -
Flux measurement height #3: -
Zero-plane displacement: Constant (14 m)
Roughness length: Not evaluated
Calibration information: CO2 fluctuations were calibrated every day by using two standard CO2 gases (320 and 420 µmol mol–1). Sensors for air temperature, relative humidity, net radiation, solar radiation, wind speed are checked once a year, with the certificated instruments.
Other information: Tower: 32 m(Climbable),18 m pole (for micrometeorological measurement under the canopy until October 2002).
Electrical power: Two power generators
Data: All data are recorded using a data logger (TEAC, DRM3b-Mk2), and saved on to MO
| IRGA:[Closed-path method] NDIR-gas analyzer(LI-COR, LI-7000) |
| sonic anemometer: Sonic anemometer-thermometer (KAIJO, DA600-3TV, TR-61C) |
| data logger: (TEAC, DRM3b-Mk2) |
手順 3: |
Flux Calculation フラックス計算
Coordinate rotation: Planar fit *1: The sonic rotation angle for planar fit rotation was determined every day using 30-min averages of wind speed in a 15-day moving window
Lag removal: Constant value for each month: Sonic-tube lag time for CO2 & H2O was determined monthly by averaging the lag times determined every 30 min under turbulent conditions.
手順 4: |
Flux Correction フラックス補正
For sensible heat flux: Cross wind correction *2
High frequency loss:
- Which fluxes? [ u*, H]: Moor (1986) *4
(Correction for path length and sensor separation)
Which fluxes? [ LE]
Moor (1986) *4
(Correction for path length for SAT)
Experimental approach *5-7 (see Note)
- Which fluxes? [ Fc]: Moor (1986) *4
(Correction for path length for SAT)
Experimental approach *5-7 (see Note)
Co-spectra between vertical winds and scalars (temperature and CO2 & H2O concentrations) were normalized according to the covariance integrated over the band-pass range and averaged over periods with similar wind speed under turbulent conditions. The correction factor (ε) was determined from the ratio of integrated, normalized co-spectra, using temperature as a reference. ε depends on the mean wind speed (u): ε = a + b u, where a and b are coefficients that were determined every year or upon a change in the system; a and b for CO2 were 1.00 and 0.0343, respectively and for H2O were 1.12 and 0.006, respectively
Low frequency loss
Block average
WPL Correction*8:
For latent heat (LE) flux
For CO2 flux
Temperature dependency for latent heat: L
Humidity dependency for specific heat: Cp
Temperature dependency for air density
Pressure dependency for air density
手順 5: |
Quality Control 精度管理
Raw data test*9
Spike test (see Note)
Absolute limits
Absolute variance
Higher-moment statistics
Resolution test
Threshold for the spike was more than 5× s.d. in a series of 3000 overlapping datapoints
Non steady state test
YES The measured flux signals of 30 min duration was divided into 6 sub records (5 min), and if the difference between the mean covariance of the 6 sub records and the covariance for the full period is more than 60% under turbulent condition, the flux data were removed (Instationarity ratio test)*10
Integral turbulence characteristics*10
YES The observed integral characteristic of the vertical wind (σw/u*) was compared to the ideal values estimated from the Monin-Obukhov similarity, where σw and u* are the standard deviation of the vertical wind velocity and friction velocity, respectively. The flux values were removed when the difference between the observed and ideal values was more than 70%
Correlation coefficient
Not applied
Wind direction
Not applied
Footprint test
Not applied
Ablosute thresholds
YES 600 > lE > -300 W m-2
50 > FCO2 >- 50 micro. mol m-2 s-1
2001 to ongoing
Sampling frequency 10 Hz
Averaging time 30 min
Data logger DRM3 (TEAC Corp) (until Oct 2003), CR5000 (CSI) (from Nov 2003)
Data storage MO&HD(until Oct 2003), HD card&HD (from Nov 2003)
Storing data (Raw data or statistics) All the raw data are recorded and saved
Infrastructure: /
Tower: 32 m(Climbable)& 5m /
Electrical power : By commercialpower line from February 2005. AC100&200V are available. /
Facilities for communication : Mobile phone is available at the tower top. /
Accommodation : A portable house of ca. 10 m2 in base area is available for working in the study site. Experimental Forest has accommodation for 15 researchers and students (formalities are required). /
References /
Flux calculation /
*1 Wilczak. J.M., Oncley, S.P. and Stage, S.A., 2001. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 99: 127- /
Flux correction /
*2 Kaimal J.C. and Gaynor, J.E., 1991. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 56: 401-410. /
*3 Hignett, P., 1992. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 61: 175-187. /
*4 Moore, C.J., 1986. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 37: 17-35. /
*5 Aubinet, M. et al.,2000. Advances in Ecological Research, 30: 113-175. /
*6 Aubinet, M. et al. 2001. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 108: 293-315. /
*7 Kowalski, AS. et al. 2003. Global Change Biology, 9: 1051-1065. /
*8 Webb, E. K., Pearman, G.I. and Leuning, R., 1980. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological
85-100. /
Quality control /
*9 Vickers, D. and Mahrt, L., 1997. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 14: 512- /
*10 Foken, T. and Wichura, B., 1996. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 78: 83-105. /
アクセス制御: |
認証システム: | knb |
適用順序: | denyFirst |