General Information: |
Title: | Rodent-Mouse long term census in the Uryu Experiment Forest (compertment 415, 416) since 1992
野ねずみ調査, 415班, 416林班, 雨龍研究林, 北海道, 1992年以降調査 |
Identifier: | JaLTER-Hokkaido-Kita.21.3 |
Abstract: |
Rodent-Mouse long-term monitoring survey in the Uryu Experiment Forest (compartment 415,416) since 1992. This survey has been held in the two plots (50m x 100m): One of the plots is set in the natural forest (compartment 416). Another plot is set in the artificial forest of Japanese ash (Fraxinus mandshurica)(compartment 415). The surveys were held for 3 days in spring (May-June) and autumn (September - November) every year. In each plot, 50 Sherman traps were settled in grid patterns with 10-m intervals (5 Rows x 10 Columns). We recorded species identity, sex, mass of the captured mice and rodents. The captured individuals were marked individually by toe-clipping method. After these processing, the individuals were released at their captured location immediately. Note that the forest type of the artificial forest plot has changed into the secondary forest as a result of the natural succession process mainly due to occupation by birch species.
"北海道大学雨龍研究林(415, 416林班)での野ネズミの個体数動態。
1992年の時点での天然林プロット(The plot in the natural forest, 50m×100m)とヤチダモ人工林プロット(The plot in the artificial forest of Japanese ash, 50m×100m)の2か所で、50個のシャーマントラップを10mおきに設置(5列×10行)。
Keywords: | long-term monitoring survey of small mammals (rodent and mouse) / 小型哺乳類調査:
- Rodent-Mouse long-term dynamics
Primary species / 主な捕獲種:
- Myodes rufocanus
- Apodemus speciosus
- Apodemus argenteus
Rare species / まれに捕獲される種:
- Soricidae sp.
- Tamias sibiricus
- Myodes rutilus
Involved Parties
Data Set Owners: |
Individual: | Uryu Experimental Forest
雨龍研究林(うりゅうけんきゅうりん) |
Organization: | Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University
北海道大学北方生物圏フィールド科学センター |
Address: |
Moshiri, |
Horokanai Uryu-gun, Hokkaido 074-0741 Japan |
日本 074-0741 北海道(ほっかいどう) 雨竜郡(うりゅうぐん)幌加内町(ほろかないちょう) |
(ja)字母子里(あざもしり) |
+81-165-38-2125 / 0165-38-2125 (voice) |
+81-165-38-2400 / 0165-38-2400 (fax) |
Email Address:
Web Address:
Data Set Contacts: |
Individual: | Uryu exprometal forest
雨龍研究林 |
Organization: | Northern Forestry Research and Development Office, Forest Research Station, Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido Univeraity
北海道大学北方生物圏フィールド科学センター |
Address: |
Mosiri, |
Horokanai, Hokkaido 074-0741 Japan |
日本 074-0741 北海道 幌加内 |
(ja)母子里 |
+81-165-38-2125 / +81-165-38-2125 (voice) |
+81-165-38-2410 / +81-165-38-2410 (fax) |
Email Address:
Web Address:
Associated Parties: |
Individual: | Uryu Experimental Forest
雨龍研究林(うりゅうけんきゅうりん) |
Organization: | Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University
北海道大学北方生物圏フィールド科学センター |
Address: |
Moshiri, |
Horokanai Uryu-gun, Hokkaido 074-0741 Japan |
日本 074-0741 北海道(ほっかいどう) 雨竜郡(うりゅうぐん)幌加内町(ほろかないちょう) |
(ja)字母子里(あざもしり) |
+81-165-38-2125 / 0165-38-2125 (voice) |
+81-165-38-2400 / 0165-38-2400 (fax) |
Email Address:
Web Address:
Individual: | staff room of Forest Research Station
森林圏統括管理部(しんりんけんとうかつかんりぶ) |
Organization: | Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University
北海道大学北方生物圏フィールド科学センター |
Address: |
Kita-9, Nishi-9, Kitaku, |
Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0809 Japan |
日本 060-0809 北海道 札幌市 |
(ja)北区北9西10 |
+81-1656-5-3216 / 011-706-3651 (voice) |
+81-1656-5-3218 / 011-706-3451 (fax) |
Email Address:
Web Address:
Data Set Characteristics
Geographic Region: |
Geographic Description: | Non-bamboo plot. Point "a"._compertment 416 / 杭A1_416林班 |
Bounding Coordinates:
West: | 142.277 degrees
East: | 142.277 degrees
North: | 44.365 degrees
South: | 44.365 degrees
Geographic Region: |
Geographic Description: | Bamboo plot. Point "a"._compertment 415 / 杭F1_415林班 |
Bounding Coordinates:
West: | 142.287 degrees
East: | 142.287 degrees
North: | 44.377 degrees
South: | 44.377 degrees
Taxonomic Range: |
Taxonomic System: |
Classification Citation: |
Title: | The Wild Mammals of Japan |
Author(s): |
Individual: | Satoshi D. OHDACHI, Yasuyuki ISHIBASHI, Masahiro A. IWASA, Dai FUKUI, Takashi SAITOH |
Publication Date: | 2015-07-01 |
Publisher: |
Organization: | SHOUKADOH Book Sellers |
ID Name: |
Procedures: | Unknown |
Classification: |
Rank Name: | Kingdom |
Rank Value: | Animalia |
Classification: |
Rank Name: | Phylum |
Rank Value: | Vertebrate |
Classification: |
Rank Name: | Class |
Rank Value: | Mammalia |
Classification: |
Rank Name: | Order |
Rank Value: | Rodentia |
Classification: |
Rank Name: | Genus |
Rank Value: | Muridae |
Classification: |
Rank Name: | Species |
Rank Value: | rufocanus |
Common Name: | the gray-sided vole / エゾヤチネズミ |
Classification: |
Rank Name: | Kingdom |
Rank Value: | Animalia |
Classification: |
Rank Name: | Phylum |
Rank Value: | Vertebrate |
Classification: |
Rank Name: | Class |
Rank Value: | Mammalia |
Classification: |
Rank Name: | Order |
Rank Value: | Rodentia |
Classification: |
Rank Name: | Genus |
Rank Value: | Muridae |
Classification: |
Rank Name: | Species |
Rank Value: | speciosus |
Common Name: | the large Japanese wood mouse / アカネズミ |
Classification: |
Rank Name: | Kingdom |
Rank Value: | Animalia |
Classification: |
Rank Name: | Phylum |
Rank Value: | Vertebrate |
Classification: |
Rank Name: | Class |
Rank Value: | Mammalia |
Classification: |
Rank Name: | Order |
Rank Value: | Rodentia |
Classification: |
Rank Name: | Genus |
Rank Value: | Apodemus |
Classification: |
Rank Name: | Species |
Rank Value: | argenteus |
Common Name: | the small Japanese wood mouse / ヒメネズミ |
Sampling, Processing and Quality Control Methods
Step by Step Procedures
Step 1: |
The Capture-Mark-Recapture method / 標識再捕獲法
Rodent population survey by the Capture-Mark-Recapture method
| Sherman trap / シャーマントラップ |
Step 2: |
Individual marking by toe-clipping method / 指切り標識
Individual marking by toe-clipping method
Title: | Guidelines of the American Society of Mammalogists for the use of wild mammals in research |
Author(s): |
Individual: | Robert S. Sikes, William L. Gannon, and the Animal Use Committee of the American Society of Mammalogists |
Publication Date: | 2011-02-16 |
Journal: | Journal of Mammalogy / Journal of Mammalogy |
Volume: | 92(1) |
Page Range: | 235–253 |
Publisher: |
Organization: | Oxford University Press
オックスフォード大学出版局 |
| surgical scissors / 手術用ハサミ |
Step 3: |
Definition of the number of captured individuals (i.e., Minimum number alive) / 捕獲個体数の定義(Minimum number alive)
The number of captured individuals is defined as the number of individuals captured at least once in the 3-days survey. This means that an individual that was captured by more than one time is count as one individual. Specifically, this type of count is called as "minimum number alive".
3日間の調査期間中に1度でも捕獲された野ねずみの個体数。同一個体が複数回再捕獲された場合でも1個体としてとカウントする。専門用語ではMinimum number aliveが宛てられる。
Data Set Usage Rights
"Data users should contact a dataset owner and follow the requests from the owner.
They are also required to place an acknowledgement in any publication in which the data are used,
and to send a copy of the publication with a usage report to the owner."
データ利用者は、利用に際して、データセットの所有者と調整するよう努める。公表にあたりデータの出典を謝辞等に明示する。また、データセットの所有者へ事後報告(データを利用して作成した成果物(別刷り2部またはPDFファイル)を提出)をする。 |