General Information: |
Title: | tree cenceu, long-term permanent plot No.32 (compartment 123), Uryu Experimental Forest, Hokkaido, establishement in 2011
毎木調査,長期観察林32号(123林班),雨龍研究林,北海道,2011年調査 |
Identifier: | JaLTER-Hokkaido-Kita.1281.2 |
Abstract: |
In Hokkaido University, Uryu Experimental Forest, compartment 123, the dynamics of naturally regenerated Picea glehnii forest were investigated. In 2001, a tree census with an area of 0.50 ha (100 m x 50 m) was established. The diameter at breast height (DBH), tree height were measured at 5 or 10-year intervals .
北海道大学雨龍研究林123林班のアカエゾマツ天然更新地の動態を調べた。2001年に面積0.50ha (100m×50m)の調査区を設けた。5年及び10年間隔で胸高直径,樹高を計測した。
Keywords: | tree census / 森林調査(しんりんちょうさ):
- long-term permanent plot
- tree census
study site / 調査サイト:
- compartment 123
- Uryu
- Hokkaido
forest type / 森林タイプ:
- Natural forest
- In 1919 selection cutting . In 1933 Plant Norway spruce(Deleted ledger due to poor grades)
1919年択伐 1933年ドイツトウヒ植栽(成績不良のため台帳削除)
Involved Parties
Data Set Owners: |
Individual: | Uryu Experimental Forest
雨龍研究林(うりゅうけんきゅうりん) |
Organization: | Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University
北海道大学北方生物圏フィールド科学センター |
Address: |
Moshiri, |
Horokanai Uryu-gun, Hokkaido 074-0741 Japan |
日本 074-0741 北海道(ほっかいどう) 雨竜郡(うりゅうぐん)幌加内町(ほろかないちょう) |
(ja)字母子里(あざもしり) |
+81-165-38-2125 / 0165-38-2125 (voice) |
+81-165-38-2400 / 0165-38-2400 (fax) |
Email Address:
Web Address:
Data Set Contacts: |
Individual: | Uryu exprometal forest
雨龍研究林 |
Organization: | Northern Forestry Research and Development Office, Forest Research Station, Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido Univeraity
北海道大学北方生物圏フィールド科学センター |
Address: |
Mosiri, |
Horokanai, Hokkaido 074-0741 Japan |
日本 074-0741 北海道 幌加内 |
(ja)母子里 |
+81-165-38-2125 / +81-165-38-2125 (voice) |
+81-165-38-2410 / +81-165-38-2410 (fax) |
Email Address:
Web Address:
Associated Parties: |
Individual: | Uryu Experimental Forest
雨龍研究林(うりゅうけんきゅうりん) |
Organization: | Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University
北海道大学北方生物圏フィールド科学センター |
Address: |
Moshiri, |
Horokanai Uryu-gun, Hokkaido 074-0741 Japan |
日本 074-0741 北海道(ほっかいどう) 雨竜郡(うりゅうぐん)幌加内町(ほろかないちょう) |
(ja)字母子里(あざもしり) |
+81-165-38-2125 / 0165-38-2125 (voice) |
+81-165-38-2400 / 0165-38-2400 (fax) |
Email Address:
Web Address:
Individual: | staff room of Forest Research Station
森林圏統括管理部(しんりんけんとうかつかんりぶ) |
Organization: | Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University
北海道大学北方生物圏フィールド科学センター |
Address: |
Kita-9, Nishi-9, Kitaku, |
Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0809 Japan |
日本 060-0809 北海道 札幌市 |
(ja)北区北9西10 |
+81-1656-5-3216 / 011-706-3651 (voice) |
+81-1656-5-3218 / 011-706-3451 (fax) |
Email Address:
Web Address:
Data Set Characteristics
Geographic Region: |
Geographic Description: | Long-term permanent Plot No.01. Point "a". / 杭aのxy座標wgs84(度10進) |
Bounding Coordinates:
West: | 142.4674929 degrees
East: | 142.4674929 degrees
North: | 43.94682582 degrees
South: | 43.94682582 degrees
Geographic Region: |
Geographic Description: | Long-term permanent Plot No.01. Point "b". / 杭bのxy座標wgs84(度10進) |
Bounding Coordinates:
West: | 142.4672151 degrees
East: | 142.4672151 degrees
North: | 43.9464305 degrees
South: | 43.9464305 degrees
Geographic Region: |
Geographic Description: | Long-term permanent Plot No.01. Point "c". / 杭cのxy座標wgs84(度10進) |
Bounding Coordinates:
West: | 142.4663858 degrees
East: | 142.4663858 degrees
North: | 43.94690929 degrees
South: | 43.94690929 degrees
Geographic Region: |
Geographic Description: | Long-term permanent Plot No.01. Point "d". / 杭dのxy座標wgs84(度10進) |
Bounding Coordinates:
West: | 142.4666595 degrees
East: | 142.4666595 degrees
North: | 43.94729802 degrees
South: | 43.94729802 degrees
Taxonomic Range: |
Taxonomic System: |
Classification Citation: |
Title: | Y List
「BG Plants 和名−学名インデックス」 (YList) |
Author(s): |
Individual: | /Yonekura, Kajita
米倉 浩司, 梶田 忠 |
Publisher: |
Organization: |
(ja) |
ID Name: |
Procedures: | Unknown |
Classification: |
Rank Name: | Species |
Rank Value: | Larix kaempferi |
Common Name: | カラマツ |
Classification: |
Rank Name: | Species |
Rank Value: | Betula platyphylla |
Common Name: | シラカンバ |
Sampling, Processing and Quality Control Methods
Step by Step Procedures
Step 1: |
Location / 位置
The tree census plot is located in compartment 123 of Uryu Experimental Forest. The area of the tree census is 0.50ha (100m x 50m).
Step 2: |
Targets to measure / 測定対象
The target trees were 4 cm or more in diameter at breast height (1.3 m). Individual trees were identified using numbered metal plates.
| metal plate / アルミ製金板 |
Step 3: |
Species / 樹種名
Species of the targeted trees were recorded.
Step 4: |
Girth at breast height, Diameter at breast height / 胸高周囲長(きょうこう しゅういちょう)、胸高直径(きょうこうちょっけい)
In 2011 , girth at breast height (GBH: 1.3 m above ground) was measured with a steel tape and converted into diameter (First decimal place).
| steel tape / スチールメジャー(2011年) |
Step 5: |
Tree height / 樹高(じゅこう)
In 2011 , height was visually measured with a scale pole (0.1m unit).
| scale pole / 測桿ポール(2011年) |
Step 6: |
Survival / 生枯(せいこ)
Survival or death of the individual was visually measured.
Step 7: |
Shortage of wood / 欠点(けってん)
Shortage of wood of the targeted trees was measured. Description of wood damage: broken, fallen, fungal-damaged, insect-damaged, frost crack, bent, bifurcated, unavailable (as timber).
Step 8: |
Grade of wood quality 1 / 樹形級(じゅけいきゅう)
Grade of tree quality was classified into four categories (after the 'Soviet' classification) for trees in broadleaved forests or in mixed forests. Code indications. 1: overstory tree with good wood quality, 2: understory tree, which is expectable to grow a good overstory tree, 3a: a tree which interrupt a better tree, 3b: a tree with unstraight stem or with a sign of death, decay or weakening.
「樹形級」は広葉樹林及び針広混交林に適用し、樹木を以下の4つに区分する(ソビエト式樹形級区分に準拠)。1級:優勢木、2級: 下層木(将来優勢木になる可能性を持つ優良木)、3a:あばれ木(1級・2級の樹木の生長を、直接阻害する樹木)、3b:幹形不良木・傾斜木.
Data Set Usage Rights
This dataset is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0; Data users should acknowledge as follows in any publications where the dataset contributed to its content: "Data for XXX was provided by Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University". Data users will notify the Data Set Contact when any publication based on or derived from the Data Set is distributed.
データの利用は、クリエーディブ・コモンズの非営利4.0国際に従って提供します (CC BY-NC 4.0;。公表にあたっては、データの出典を謝辞等に明記するとともに、成果品および利用報告を提出してください。 |