Data Set Citation:
When using this data, please cite the data package:
Tomakomai Experimental Forest, Forest Research Station, Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University北海道大学北方生物圏フィールド科学センター森林圏ステーション苫小牧研究林 and Biodiversity Center, Ministry of the Environment, Japan環境省生物多様性センター.
Ground Beetle Census Data (Forest & Grassland Survey, Monitoring Sites 1000 Project)
JaLTER-Tomakomai.49.1 (
General Information:
Title:Ground Beetle Census Data (Forest & Grassland Survey, Monitoring Sites 1000 Project)
(ja) 苫小牧研究林の地表徘徊性甲虫相
To examine ground beetle communities and decomposition functions of cool temperate forests, 1-ha (100×100m) permanent plots were established in 4 natural deciduous broad-leaved forests and 3 coniferous plantations (spruce, fir, larch) in Tomakomai Experimental Forest (TOEF), Hokkaido University. 5 subplots were established in each plot. This study was conducted as a part of Forest & Grassland Survey in Monitoring Sites 1000 Project of the Ministry of the Environment, Japan since 2004. The data is identical to the data available from the Biodiversity Center, Ministry of the Environment. (ja) 冷温帯林の地表徘徊性甲虫相や分解系機能を調べるため、北海道大学苫小牧研究林内の4ヶ所の天然生落葉広葉樹林、3ヶ所の針葉樹人工林(アカエゾマツ、トドマツ、カラマツ)において1ha(100×100m)の永久調査区(プロット)を設けた。各プロット内に5ヶ所のサブプロットを設置した。この調査は、2004年より環境省・モニタリングサイト1000プロジェクトの森林・草原調査の一環として実施された。環境省生物多様性センターに所蔵されているデータと同一であることに注意。
Data Table, Image, and Other Data Details:
Metadata download: Ecological Metadata Language (EML) File
Data Table:OrganicLayer.csv ( View Metadata )

Involved Parties

Data Set Owners:
Organization:Tomakomai Experimental Forest, Forest Research Station, Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University
(ja) 北海道大学北方生物圏フィールド科学センター森林圏ステーション苫小牧研究林
Tomakomai City, Hokkaido Prefecture 053-0035 Japan
(ja) 日本 053-0035 北海道 苫小牧市
+81-144-33-2171 (voice)
+81-144-33-2173 (fax)
Email Address:
Web Address:
Organization:Biodiversity Center, Ministry of the Environment, Japan
(ja) 環境省生物多様性センター
5597-1, Kenmarubi, Kamiyoshida,
Fujiyoshida City, Yamanashi Prefecture 403-0005 Japan
(ja) 日本 403-0005 山梨県 富士吉田市
+81-555-72-6031 (voice)
+81-555-72-6035 (fax)
Web Address:
Data Set Contacts:
Organization:Tomakomai Experimental Forest, Forest Research Station, Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University
(ja) 北海道大学北方生物圏フィールド科学センター森林圏ステーション苫小牧研究林
Tomakomai City, Hokkaido Prefecture 053-0035 Japan
(ja) 日本 053-0035 北海道 苫小牧市
+81-144-33-2171 (voice)
+81-144-33-2173 (fax)
Email Address:
Web Address:
Associated Parties:
Organization:Japan Wildlife Research Center
(ja) 一般財団法人 自然環境研究センター
3-3-7 Kotobashi Sumida-ku,
Tokyo 130-8606 Japan
(ja) 日本 130-8606 東京都
(ja)江東橋3-3-7, 墨田区,
+81-3-6659-6310 (voice)
+81-3-6659-6320 (fax)
Web Address:

Data Set Characteristics

Geographic Region:
Geographic Description:Tomakomai Experimental Forest (TOEF)
Bounding Coordinates:
West:  141.6  degrees
East:  141.6  degrees
North:  42.7  degrees
South:  42.7  degrees
Time Period:

Sampling, Processing and Quality Control Methods

Step by Step Procedures
Step 1:

Community Structure, Biomass / 群集構造、バイオマス

Four pitfall traps (aperture diameter 9cm, depth 12cm) were installed in each subplot. Ground animals were collected by opening traps for 72 hours at 4 times every year. Animals were identified (carabid beetles: species, other beetles: family to species, other animals: class to family), oven dried for 3 days at 60 degree Celcius and their weights were measured.
(ja) 各サブプロットに4個のピットフォールトラップ(口径9cm、深さ12cm)を設置した。毎年4回、トラップを72時間開放し、地表徘徊性動物を採集した。動物は同定し(オサムシ科は種、その他の甲虫は種~科、甲虫以外は科~綱まで)、摂氏60度で3日間乾燥させ、重量を測定した。

Step 2:

Accumulated Mass, C and N Content / 堆積量、C・N濃度

Accumulated organic layer (A0 layer) in forest floor (25cm x 25cm) near each subplot was collected at 1-3 time(s) every year, oven dried for 2 days at 60 degree Celcius and the weight was measured. Carbon and nitrogen contents of these organic layer samples were measured.
(ja) 各サブプロットの周辺で、毎年1~3回、林床(25cm×25cm)の堆積落葉層(A0層)を採取し、摂氏60度で2日間絶乾させ、重量と炭素、窒素濃度を測定した。

Step 3:

C and N Content / C・N濃度

Surface mineral soil samples (0-5cm depth under A0 layer, 20cm2) near each subplot were collected. Carbon and nitrogen contents of these soil samples were measured.
(ja) 各サブプロットの周辺で、鉱質土壌(A0層下0~5cm、20cm2)を採取し、炭素、窒素濃度を測定した。

Step 4:

Decomposition Rate / 分解速度

Six (filter no. 1-6) cellulose filters (5cm x 5cm; Benchkote 2300-916, Whatman) were installed into A0 layer (set horizontally at the boundary of A0 and mineral soil) and mineral soil (inserted vertically into surface layer (0-5cm)) in each subplot at 1 or 2 time(s) per year. Two papers were collected from each layer at 3 collecting dates. The ash free dry masses of collected papers were measured and the decomposition rates (mass loss rates) were calculated.
(ja) 年1~2回、各サブプロットにおいて、堆積落葉層(鉱質土壌との境界面に水平に設置)および鉱質土壌層(表層0-5cmに垂直に挿入)に6枚(フィルター番号1~6)ずつのセルロースフィルター(5cm×5cm;ベンチコート2300-916、ワットマン)を埋設した。3回の回収日に、各層から2枚ずつを回収し、灼熱減量を測定して、設置期間中の分解率(重量減少率)を算出した。

Step 5:

Weather, Coverage of Understory Vegetation, Thickness of Organic Layer / 天候、林床植生の植被率、堆積落葉層の厚さ

Weather, maximum and minimum air temperature and cumulative precipitation during pitfall trapping were recorded. At the same time, coverage of understory ( 0-60cm height from the ground) vegetation and/or thickness of accumulated organic layer were measured within a quadrat (5m x 5m) for each subplot.
(ja) ピットフォールトラップ開放期間中の天候、最低・最高気温、降水量、各サブプロットの林床植生(地上高60cm以下)の植被率(5m×5m方形区、目視)、堆積落葉層の厚さを記録した。

Data Set Usage Rights

Data users are strongly encouraged to consider consultation, collaboration and/or co-authorship with the data owners. Data users should acknowledge as follows in any publications where the dataset contributed to its content: "Data for XXX was provided by the Ministry of the Environment, Monitoring Sites 1000 Project". Data users will notify the data owners when any derivative work or publication based on or derived from the data set is distributed. The data users will provide the data owners with two reprints or a PDF file of any publications resulting from use of the data set.
(ja) データ利用者は、利用に際して、データセットの所有者やネットワークセンターと調整するよう努める。公表にあたりデータの出典を謝辞等に明示する。例)「・・・のデータについては、環境省・モニタリングサイト1000プロジェクトによる」。また、データセットの所有者へ事後報告(データを利用して作成した成果物(別刷り2部またはPDFファイルを提出)をする。
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