Data Set Citation:
When using this data, please cite the data package:
Toshiyuki Otsuka大塚俊之 .
Tree census in broadleaf deciduous forest ecosystem(TKY site), AsiaFlux TKY site, 1999-2008, Takayama, Japan樹木の樹種および生残調査,成長量(DBH)測定,アジアフラックスTKYサイト,1998-2008,高山(たかやま)
JaLTER-takayama-01.20.3 (
General Information:
Title:Tree census in broadleaf deciduous forest ecosystem(TKY site), AsiaFlux TKY site, 1999-2008, Takayama, Japan樹木の樹種および生残調査,成長量(DBH)測定,アジアフラックスTKYサイト,1998-2008,高山(たかやま)
Tree census in broadleaf deciduous forest ecosystemm, checking The specie, mortality, recruitment and growth in all trees in the TKY site, AsiaFlux TKY site, Japan.アジアフラックスTKYサイト(落葉広葉樹林)の毎木調査,プロット内の各樹木に対し,樹種・生残数の確認・成長量(DBH)の測定を行った。
  • Tree census
  • Growth
  • mortality
  • Recruitment
  • DBH
  • 毎木調査
  • 死亡率
  • 成長量
  • 新規加入率
  • 胸高直径

Involved Parties

Data Set Owners:
Individual: Toshiyuki Otsuka大塚俊之
Organization:River Basin Research Center, Gifu University岐阜大学流域圏科学研究センター
Data Set Contacts:
Individual: Toshiyuki Otsuka大塚俊之
Organization:River Basin Research Center, Gifu University岐阜大学流域圏科学研究センター
Email Address:
Associated Parties:
Organization:River Basin Research Center, Gifu University岐阜大学流域圏科学研究センター
Yanagido, Gifu-shi, Gifu 501-1193 Japan岐阜県岐阜市柳戸1-1,

Data Set Characteristics

Time Period:

Sampling, Processing and Quality Control Methods

Step by Step Procedures
Step 1:

Tree census

Tree census in broadleaf deciduous forest ecosystemm, checking The specie, mortality, recruitment and growth in all trees in the TKY site, AsiaFlux TKY

site, Japan.


Sampling Area And Frequency:
100m x 100m Ecological plot, AsiaFlux TKY site (137deg25m24sE 36deg8m43sN). Vegetation is an approximately 50 year old secondary deciduous forest, primarily dominated by oak (Quercus crispula Blume) and Birch (Betula ermanii Cham; Betula platyphylla Sukatchev var.japonica Hara). and the understory is dominated by dense evergreen dwarf bamboo (Sasa senanensis (Fr. Et Sav.) Rehder) (Saigusa et al. 2005, Agr. For. Met. 134, 4-16).
Sampling Description:

Data Set Usage Rights

Access Control:
Auth System:knb
Metadata download: Ecological Metadata Language (EML) File