Data Set Citation:
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Toda H.
Long-term hydrochemical monitoring in Oyasan Experimental Forest Watershed comprised of two small forested watersheds of Japanese cedar and Japanese cypress
ERDP-2012-01.3.7 (
General Information:
Title:Long-term hydrochemical monitoring in Oyasan Experimental Forest Watershed comprised of two small forested watersheds of Japanese cedar and Japanese cypress
(ja) スギ・ヒノキが植栽された2つの人工林小流域からなる大谷山試験流域の水文水質データ
Forest ecosystems are self-fertilizing systems, and development of forest stands depends on nutrient supply via biogeochemical cycling within the ecosystem. Therefore, it is important to clarify the nutrient cycle, mediating growth and development. In addition, long-term hydrochemical monitoring is needed to understand the influence of environmental changes on biogeochemical cycling in the forest ecosystem. The Oyasan Experimental Forest Watershed (OEFW) is located in the Field Museum Oyasan, the university forest of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, in Gunma prefecture, Japan. OEFW comprises two small adjacent forested watersheds, which are A-watershed and B-watershed, with respective areas of 1.3 ha and 1.8 ha. A-watershed is a reestablished forest planted with sugi (Japanese cedar; Cryptomeria japonica) and hinoki (Japanese cypress; Chamaecyparis obtusa) in 1976, and has been managed intensively with fertilizer application. By contrast, B-watershed is an established forest planted with sugi and hinoki in 1907. No forest practices have been carried out except for the thinning of suppressed trees in 1983. However, the sugi plantation on the lowest slope (18% of the watershed area) was cut in 2000, and sugi was replanted the following year. In this data paper, we present data on the daily precipitation, discharge, pH, and concentrations of major nutrients (Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+, NH4+, Cl-, NO3-, and SO42-) in rainwater and stream water since November 1978. The arithmetical mean pH of precipitation, stream water in A and B watershed from the beginning of the monitoring to the present were 4.77±0.67, 6.85±0.41 and 6.88±0.36 (average±S.D.), respectively. The arithmetical mean concentrations in precipitation in mmolc L-1 were 0.030±0.030 for Ca2+, 0.010±0.011 for Mg2+, 0.009±0.013 for K+, 0.020±0.024 for Na+, 0.035±0.041 for NH4+, 0.026±0.029 for Cl-, 0.033±0.038 for NO3-, and 0.046±0.043 for SO42-. The mean concentrations in stream water in A-watershed were 0.180±0.032 for Ca2+, 0.073±0.013 for Mg2+, 0.018±0.009 for K+, 0.182±0.024 for Na+, 0.010±0.010 for NH4+, 0.060±0.008 for Cl-, 0.111±0.038 for NO3-, and 0.074±0.012 for SO42-; whereas for B-watershed the mean concentrations were 0.169±0.025 for Ca2+, 0.079±0.016 for Mg2+, 0.018±0.005 for K+, 0.192±0.026 for Na+, 0.010±0.010 for NH4+, 0.065±0.010 for Cl-, 0.093±0.025 for NO3-, and 0.087±0.011 for SO42-.
Keywords:forest / 森林:
  • forested watershed
    (ja) 森林流域
  • forest practices
    (ja) 森林施業
  • Japanese cedar
    (ja) スギ
  • Japanese cypress
    (ja) ヒノキ
monitoring / 観測:
  • hydrochemical monitoring
    (ja) 水文水質観測
  • long-term monitoring
    (ja) 長期観測
  • water discharge
    (ja) 流出水量
  • precipitation
    (ja) 降水量
water chemistry / 水質:
  • rain water chemistry
    (ja) 降雨水質
  • stream water chemistry
    (ja) 渓流水質
Data Table, Image, and Other Data Details:
Metadata download: Ecological Metadata Language (EML) File
Data Table:precipitation_discharge / precipitation_discharge ( View Metadata | Download File download)
Data Table:waterchemistry / waterchemistry ( View Metadata | Download File download)

Involved Parties

Data Set Owners:
Individual: Hiroto Toda (ja) 戸田浩人
Organization:Laboratory of Forest Ecology, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
(ja) 東京農工大学農学部森林生態学研究室
3-5-8 Saiwai-cho,
Fuchu, Tokyo 183-8509 Japan
(ja) 日本 183-8509 東京都 府中市
+81-42-367-5745 / 042-367-5745 (voice)
+81-42-364-7812 / 042-364-7812 (fax)
Email Address:
Data Set Contacts:
Individual: Rieko Urakawa (ja) 浦川梨恵子
Organization:Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
(ja) 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科
(ja) 特任研究員
1-1-1 Yayoi,
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8657 Japan
(ja) 日本 113-8657 東京都 文京区
+81-3-5841-5214 / 03-5841-5214 (voice)
+81-3-5841-5464 / 03-5841-5464 (fax)
Email Address:
Individual: Hiroto Toda (ja) 戸田浩人
Organization:Laboratory of Forest Ecology, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
(ja) 東京農工大学農学部森林生態学研究室
3-5-8 Saiwai-cho,
Fuchu, Tokyo 183-8509 Japan
(ja) 日本 183-8509 東京都 府中市
+81-42-367-5745 / 042-367-5745 (voice)
+81-42-364-7812 / 042-364-7812 (fax)
Email Address:

Data Set Characteristics

Geographic Region:
Geographic Description:Weir in A-watershed / A流域の量水堰
Bounding Coordinates:
West:  139.351863  degrees
East:  139.351863  degrees
North:  36.561577  degrees
South:  36.561577  degrees
Geographic Region:
Geographic Description:Weir in B-watershed / B流域の量水堰
Bounding Coordinates:
West:  139.353597  degrees
East:  139.353597  degrees
North:  36.562152  degrees
South:  36.562152  degrees
Time Period:

Sampling, Processing and Quality Control Methods

Step by Step Procedures
Step 1:

A. Measurement of precipitation / A. 降水量の測定

A tipping bucket-type rain gauge was installed at the adjacent meteorological enclosure, and data was recorded on paper charts and read manually from 1978 to 1995. From 1996, the data was recorded by an electric data logger at 10-min intervals and cumulated to daily precipitation.
(ja) B流域近傍の露場に設置した転倒マス式降雨計に自記式記録計取り付けて降水量を測定した。 1978年から1995年については、データは記録用紙に記録し、読み取った。 1996年からは電気式ロガーを用いて10分間隔で記録した。 データは積算して日降水量を算出した。

Step 2:

B. Measurement of streamwater discharge / B. 流出水量の測定

The water level across the V-notch (opening angle, 60°) was measured at the stream gauging weirs of each watershed. From 1978 to 1997, the water level was measured by a water level gauge with a float and recorded on paper charts and read manually. Since 1998, the water level has been measured by a water-pressure sensor and recorded to an electric data logger at 10-min intervals. The water level is converted to flow rate by an empirical equation, and flow rate is cumulated to daily stream water discharge.
(ja) 量水堰に取り付けたVノッチ(開口角度60°)を越流する水位を計測した。1978年から1997年まではフロート式水位計を用いて巻紙に記録した。1998年からは圧力式水位計を用いて電気式ロガーに10分間隔で記録している。水位は経験式を用いて流出速度に換算し、積算して日流出水量を算出した。

Step 3:

C. Rainwater sampling / C. 降水の採取方法

Bulk rainwater is collected using a polyethylene apparatus consisting of a 30-cm diameter funnel, tubing, and a 5-liter reservoir. Samples were transferred to 250-mL plastic bottles weekly, and the apparatus was washed monthly.
(ja) 直径30cmのプラスチック製ろうとに降水を集め、ホースでポリバケツ(容量5L)に導水することでバルク降水を貯留、採集した。サンプルは原則として週1度回収し、分析用に250mlポリボトルに採水した。採水装置は原則として月1回洗浄した。

Step 4:

D. Streamwater sampling / D. 渓流水の採取方法

Stream water was sampled weekly using 250-mL plastic bottles at each stream gauging weir.
(ja) 渓流水は原則として週1回、量水堰において250mLポリボトルに採水した。

Step 5:

E. Measurement of major nutrient concentrations in streamwater and rainwater / E. 降水および渓流水中の主要溶存イオンの分析方法

All water samples were measured for pH using a glass electrode immediately after each sampling session and stored below 5 °C in the refrigerator. Chemical analysis of water samples was conducted after filtration with filter papers (5B Advantec, Tokyo, Japan) or DISMIC filters (0.20 μm, Cellulose Acetate, Advantec) using flame photometry, atomic adsorption, and ion chromatography for Na+ and K+; atomic adsorption and ion chromatography for Mg2+ and Ca2+; colorimetric methods and ion chromatography for NH4+ and NO3-; and ion chromatography for Cl- and SO42-.
(ja) 降水および渓流水のpHは、採取直後にガラス電極法で測定した。その後、その他のイオンの分析までサンプルは5℃で冷蔵保管した。 サンプルはろ紙(5B Advantec)またはシリンジフィルター (0.20 μm, Cellulose Acetate, Advantec)でろ過後、Na+、K+については炎光光度法、原子吸光光度法、またはイオンクロマト法、Mg2+、Ca2+については原子吸光光度法またはイオンクロマト法、NH4+、NO3-については比色法またはイオンクロマト法、Cl-、SO42-についてはイオンクロマト法を用いて測定した。

Data Set Usage Rights

A. Usage Rights: Please inform the contact person about the use of the dataset when the publication based on or derived from this dataset is distributed. B. Data Updates: The dataset will be updated or recalculated according to the modification of the measuring methods. Please check the latest version of the dataset. C. Disclaimer: In no event shall the authors and the dataset owners be liable for loss of profits, or for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of the dataset.
(ja) A. 利用条件:このデータセットの全部または一部を利用した研究成果が発表されたときは、データセット所有者に連絡してください。 B. データの更新:このデータセットは予告なく更新や再計算されることがあります。常に最新のデータセットを確認してください。 C. 免責事項:このデータセットの利用により生じたいかなるトラブルについて、データセット所有者やデータペーパー著者は一切の責任を負いません。
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Metadata download: Ecological Metadata Language (EML) File